b'Magazinesaredeliveredtoretail opportunityofTheNewBarkertoadvertisers who may choose to sell or Tales & Tails Gala, a fundraising eventgive away to their customers. Note: for Canine Companions for Independ-Someofouradvertiserssell ence. TheliveauctionitemraisedThe New Barker and donate a portion $8,000. In 2015, during the annualPhotograph of Phoebe, a two-year-old Yorkie at Holiday Lights by Anna Cooke.of the proceeds to a rescue group of Tuxes & Tails gala, we donated thetheir choice. cover opportunity as a live auctionitem.Thehighestbidwas$12,500B ONUS D ISTRIBUTION & which was donated to the HumaneK EY P ARTNERSHIPS : SocietyofTampaBay. In2016weThe New Barker is the leader in spon- donatedthecovertoCASA,thesorships and media coverage for all domestic violence shelter in St. Peters-things dog in Florida with representa- burg, and Frankies Friends Founda-tion at more than 500 statewide dog- tion, Tampa raising $5,000 for eachfriendlyeventsannually.Wehave non-profit organization. In 2023, wesecured exclusive partnerships with donated the cover art opportunity totop tier events including the Florida the Ryan Animal Rescue Foundation,Gulf Coast Classic Clusters in January which raised $8,000 for the non-profitand Dogs Day Dade City in March, organization,establishedbyNFLandvariousotherAKC-sanctioned Defensive Back, Logan Ryan and hisdog shows and rescue events, includ- wife Ashley.D ISTRIBUTION : ing the AKC National Championship Photograph of Shey, a search and rescue dog, by Anna Cooke.EachissueofTheNewBarkeris held at the Orange County Conven-mailed to paid subscribers and our tion Center each December.database of homeowners with dogs.This list is refined with each issue, and The New Barker has partnered withtargetsdogownerswithspecific Clearwater Threshers Baseball, Tampahousehold income and/or homes with Tarpons and the Bradenton Maraudersspecific assessed values in pre-deter- during their Bark in the Ball Park sum-mined zip codes throughout Florida. mer series events. The list includes some of the mostinfluential animal lovers in Florida. Fortheeighthconsecutiveyear,We are committed to making sure The TheNewBarker istheofficialdogNewBarkergetsintothehandsof magazine sponsor of the Southeasternqualified shoppers, maximizing our Guide Dog Walk-A-Thons in Sarasota,advertisers exposure.Bradenton,Tampa,St.Petersburg,Gainesville, and Orlando in April.Every issue is distributed to veterinaryoffices, groomers, daycare and board- For the second year in a row, The Newing facilities, independent bookstores Barker is the official dog magazine for ~All stories have a Florida con-and dog-friendly restaurants and cafes the 13th Annual Paws for Peace Walk nection and are original, withthroughoutFlorida.Copiesare & Run for Harbor House of Central photography by award-winningshippedtoselectdog-friendlybou- Florida. The walk helps raise funds for photographers.The New Barkertique hotels, bed and breakfast inns Paws for Peace, the domestic violence celebrates The Art of Dog by sup-and chain hotels throughout Florida, shelters onsite kennel for pets of fam- porting artists and their work.including The Alfond Inn in Winter ilies seeking protection. Every cover is an original work ofParkandTradewindsIslandGrand art, by a different artist. Hotel in St. Pete Beach.In2014,wedonatedthecoverartwww.TheNewBarker.com 727.214.7453'