b'P HILANTHROPY :The New Barker has supported rescue Come on In encouraged me to order Welfare Advancement) changed thegroups, law enforcement canine units, two of the paw print rugs from LL focus of their annual conference, allmilitaryworkingdogcharitiesand Bean for my home. We would love to because one butt-kicking magazinesheltersacrossFloridasince2006, partner with you in some way. editor boldly used her platform towith in-kind contributions exceeding Best regards, make sure people knew the truth.$700,000. Donna Tallon, former Anna, you may have altered theExecutive Director course of a faction of animal welfareHumane Society of Greater Miami that was serving only themselves. Weare only beginning to see the impactThank you. Thank you. Thank you. of your courageous writing. I amI just mailed a Gift Certificate for forever grateful.lodging, and we have you to thank. Denise Deisler, CEOWe have also received several phone Jacksonville Humane Societycalls for The Florida Highwaymen Jacksonville, FloridaPhotograph of Maxby Tina ValantArt Show that were generated fromThe New Barker. Margie, Owner/InnkeeperHeron Cay Lakeview Bed & Breakfast,Mount DoraIn 2016 alone, The New Barker con-tributed in-kind and monetary dona- Mastiff Rescue of Florida has beentions of more than $40,000 to rescue using the email blast (Weekend Pup-organizations throughout Florida to Dates) sent by The New Barker tohelp promote their causes. In 2012 help establish our communityduring one 72-hour period, The New awareness by participating in events.Barker raisedmorethan$10,000 By doing so, we are growing ourthrough a crowd sourcing campaign in volunteer and foster family base.an effort to continue offering free ad Thank you,space to non-profit shelters and rescue Chris Owen, Volunteer Coordinatorgroups.In2014,TheNewBarker Mastiff Rescue of Floridaraised a total of $13,000 to benefit thePhotograph of Sanibelby Tina ValantHumane Society of Sarasota County and I want to thank you again for allCanine Companions for Independence. your support. I believe havingThe New Barker gave us the cloutW HAT O UR R EADERS & we needed to land some big spon-A DVERTISERS A RE S AYING : sors.Being this is our first timeBeing a past General Manager with holding this event in Orlando someSaks Fifth Avenue, I appreciated the vendors were reluctant until they saw In addition to The New Barkerquality of the ads and the book itself. a BIG media sponsor on board.We being one of my favorite publica-My favorite articles were: Editor Un- really appreciate you giving us the tions, I discovered that my dogleashed, because I grew up in Board- backing we needed. Newman loves to hang out andman, Ohio and our dog was also left Joan Alexander read on Sunday mornings too. outside. Now I have six that sleep inDog House Parties for We love to find new dog-friendlyour bed. My other favorite articlesNational Dog Party Day events and venues throughoutwere Sculptures in the Ruff and Florida. Thank you forWeAre the Champions with great I had calls with folks from the na- a great publication and for inspiringcoverage and terrific pictures of dog tional animal advocacy organizations. him to read.shows including Westminster.AAWA (Association for Animal Trinka Tansley, subscriber.www.TheNewBarker.com 727.214.7453'