b"When A BackacheIs More Than Just An Ache.Text by Dr. Timothy HodgeSpringer, a 10-year-old Pekinese, had always been a very active, infection, prostate, etc.), and migrates with the blood to the diskoutgoing dog, with a great personality and no known underlying space. It can also result from direct contamination, such as a bitehealth issues.His mom brought Springer to us because he had or puncture wound of the disk or an infection following surgery.not been doing well for about four days. He was crying out in A third possibility is that foreign objects migrated to the diskpain and exhibited decreased appetite. In the car ride to our space (i.e. grass seeds), colonized, and spread to adjunct disks andoffices, he could not get settled and was shifting his body. bones of the vertebrae.The infection can continue into the spinalcanal and cause further weakness, paralysis and atrophy of musclesaround the spine. This can lead to further symptoms includingweakness, lethargy, fever, anorexia, vomiting.Treatment requires a minimum of six weeks antibiotic orantifungal administration, specific for organisms identified in thetesting results. They may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatorymedications;paincontrol;Companion AnimalLaser Therapy,acupunctureandelectromagnetictherapy.Surgerymaybeneeded if the disk material is causing a compression of the spinalcord.Repeatradiographsandrecheckingofcultureswillbeneeded to monitor progression of treatment.Springermadeafullrecoverywithlong-termantibiotictherapyandanti-inflammatorymedications.Hisownerswereverydiligentandcompliantwiththeaggressiveandprolonged nature of the treatment and with all the follow uprecheck examinations and testing.UAthoroughphysicalexamrevealedSpringerwasdealingwith pain in the spinal region of the neck and lower lumbarregion (lower back). A neurological exam indicated decreasednerve function in the hind legs, making him wobbly (ataxia).A complete blood panel, including urinalysis, thyroid testing,and heartworm testing was performed. Radiographs (x-rays) ofthe spine were submitted to a Board Certified Radiologist forconsultation. Given Springers clinical signs, this was consideredthe minimum database of information needed at that time.IfSpringer had been used for breeding or had mated at any time inhis life prior to his presentation, he would also have been testedfor Brucellosis, a common bacterial infection.The urinalysis showed an elevation in white blood cells and The x-ray shows canine discospondylitis (L7-S1).protein in the urine, crystals present and rare bacteria. A urineculture was negative. The radiologist noted abnormalities in thelumbar region of the lower back, which is consistent with a diag- Y Dr. Timothy Hodge has been practicing veterinary medicinenosis of Discospondylitis. in Tampa since 1995. He has completed his training atBetween each bone of the vertebra, spongy material known the Chi Institute and provides acupuncture and herbalas a disk, cushions the vertebrae so they don't touch each other. therapies in addition to traditional medical care. He may beDiscospondylitis is a bacterial or fungal infection of this disk and reached at one of his two Tampa offices: Harbourside Animalthe vertebra bones that touch it. Hospital, in Channelside at 831.229.3322 or at the Cross CreekThe most common cause is bacteria or fungi gets into the facility at 813.994.6929.blood stream at some other site in the body (wound, bladder68THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com"