b'editor unleashednearly 20 million, that calculates out to7.2millionFloridianslivingwithatPhotograph by Laura Allen Studios.leastonedog.So,yes,theresagoodchance a few of you have never heard ofThe New Barker. Were working on that.I prefer to focus on the number ofpeople we are reaching, while continuingto grow our audience. Its a process withlotsofmovingparts.Iamhumbledbyouradvertisingpartnerscontinuedsupportandbykindwordsfromourreaders.Iamequallyhumbledbyourcontributorstheartists,designers,photographers,writersandroverAnna, Zoe, Chloe, Doogie and Rita.reporterswhocontinuetosurprisemewiththeircreativity,devotionandDogs are comedians. Each has its own sense of humor. Thank you.stand-up routine. Think about what your Were a small company doing somedog does to elicit a laugh out of you. pretty big things. During the 2014 TalesThese arent random acts of silliness. & Tails Gala in Orlando, we donated thisTheyrewell-rehearsedroutinesper- issues cover art as a live auction item. Theformed for one reason only: to make us high bidder won the opportunity to havehappy. Like a professional comedian, dogs theirdogsportraitonafuturecover.willworkontheirroutines,tweaking Frank Santos and Dan Dantin placed thethem as needed, until they achieve the winningbidof$8,000,benefitingthedesired outcome. Orlando campus of Canine CompanionsDogs, by nature, will take any kind for Independence, a non-profit organiza-of recognition as an act of affectiontionprovidinghighlytrainedassistanceanythingthatacknowledgestheirexis- dogs to people with disabilities.tence. Unfortunately, thats not always an Wealsodonatedthecoverartact of kindness. opportunityasaliveauctionitemforAnanimalbehavioristrecently Tuxes and Tails, the fundraising gala forshared a story about her experience with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay thisa man whose dog kept going to the bath- pastOctober.Thewinningbidwasroom in his apartment. Thinking it was a $12,000 and for her donation, Cynthiabehavioralissuethedogwasno Smoot will have her dogs portrait paintedlongerapuppyshequestionedthe for an upcoming cover.man about his lifestyle. He confided that Recently,areadercanceledherhe worked all day and stayed out most of subscriptionbecauseweneverfeaturedthe evening. It turns out, he wasnt taking anythingaboutcats.Then,someonethe dog outapparently it interfered approachedusduringBarkfestatthewith his social lifeyet was upset that HurricaneSeafoodRestaurantonSt.thedogwasdoinghisbusinessinside. Pete Beach and asked if we hosted any(Wow, what a fascinating individual). The events for cats (light bulb). Were a dogbehavioristexplainedthatthesolution magazine, but we love cats too. So in thiswas pretty simple (a lot like him). Big issue, were reinstituting a section fromsurprise, he folded like a cheap tent and five years ago we thought nobody readwhined, You mean I have to walk the called CattyCorner. Please let us knowdog? Thatstoomuchwork.Imdone what you think. Send us your cat pictures.withhim.Sinceourheroinewasnt Icantguaranteeacatsportraitwilltrained to fix stupid, she quickly left with appear on the cover anytime soon, but,the dog, thereby saving the owners life. you never know.The New Barker is heading into its TheGermanphilosopher,Albert10th year of publishing a magazine for Schweitzer once said, The only escapeFlorida dog lovers. You may be reading fromthemiseriesoflifeismusicandthis and saying to yourself, Ten years? cats. But then theres thisAmericanIve never heard of this magazine. Well, poet and songwriter Jimmy Buffet sang,consider this: 36 percent of homes in the Somethingboutadog.SomethingUnited States have at least one dog living bout an old guitar. Something bout athere.InFlorida,withapopulationof boat. That gives a man hope. U6THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'