b'realitysoundbites.New Treatment for Deadly Parvovirus Is Saving PuppiesWe learned about the innovative work time, which meant far less suffering for be seen by a veterinarian immediately ifbeingdoneatPAWS Chicago during the pup. they show any signs of the infection. Thethe September 2023 Florida Leaders for Canine parvovirus is a highly infec- mortality rate for this disease is as high asLifesavingSummitinLidoBeach, tious,life-threateningconditionthat 91% if left untreated and an estimatedFlorida. In October we received a press until recently could only be treated with 900casesarediagnosedadayintherelease from PAWS Chicago about using supportivecare.Thediseaseiseasily U.S., totaling 330,000 cases annually.a breakthrough new treatment for a virus transmissible from one dog to another Perveterinaryjournal,Cliniciansknown as the puppy killer. In just the throughcontactwithinfectedfeces.It Brief, CanineParvovirusMonoclonalmonth of October alone, since using the Antibody(CPMA)targetsparvovirusfirst doses of the new Canine Parvovirus directly and works by selectively bindingMonoclonal Antibody (CPMA), PAWS andblockingparvovirusfromenteringChicago saved three lives in a fraction of and destroying enterocytes. One IV dosethe time of traditional treatments. canshortenthediseasecourseandThe inaugural patient was a three- improvepatientoutcomes.Further,month-old puppy who was just one hour CPMA carries a high safety profile andfrom being euthanized at the city pound, has been shown to be well-tolerated inChicagoAnimalCare&Control.He patients as young as six weeks of age.hadtestedpositiveforparvovirus,a Since many puppies and dogs whodeadlydiseasesocontagiousthatits developparvodontsurvivetheoftenadeathsentence.Mostshelters infection, its important to do everythingoften euthanize parvo dogs and puppies possibletopreventit,saidDr.Karento prevent its spread to the rest of the Becker, world-renowned holistic veteri-population. narian and author. This disease is noth-PAWS Chicagos 36,000-square-foot ing to fool around with. Its very muchMedicalCenterincludes90isolation alive and thriving in our environment,suites and the ability to treat contagious and it frequently ends the lives of dogsdiseases. After months on a waiting list, who become infected. In my profession-the PAWS Chicago team was among the Monos foster parents, Eddie Sanders and al opinion, providing baseline protectionfirst in the country to receive the new Chelsey Carter-Sanders, adopted him after (usually two well-timed puppy vaccines)antibody, the first treatment to directly his treatment for parovirus. againstparvoprovidesyourdogwithattackparvovirus.Thetreatmentwas can also be spread by direct dog-to-dog lifetime immunityand provides youdevelopedbyElancopharmaceuticals. contact and contact with contaminated with peace of mind. I have seen far tooThe drug manufacturer recently received environments or people. Parvo can infect many puppies acquire parvo unnecessarilyaconditionallicensefromtheUSDA. kennels,foodandwaterbowls,collars inmycareertonotrecommendthisVeterinarians are now able to purchase it and leashes, and the hands and clothing basic, highly effective strategy against apending individual state approvals. ofpeoplewhohandlesickdogs.The potentially fatal virus.WhenhearrivedatPAWS,Mono virusishighlyenvironmentallystable Todate,PAWS Chicagohassaved(as the PAWS team named him, short for and can remain infectious in soil for at eight dogs with the new CPMA treat-monoclonal) was suffering so badly that least a year. ment. In addition, they have agreed tohe could barely move. After PAWS vets Parvo causes similar symptoms in all takeeveryparvo-positivepuppyfromplacedanintravenouscatheter,Mono infected puppies and dogs. In addition Chicagos Animal Care and Control. Ureceivedthetreatmentasaninjection tovomitingandsevere,oftenbloody Another procedure, known as fecaldirectlyintohisvein.ThePAWS diarrhea, there is also lethargy, fever, and transplant or fecal microbiota transplantChicagomedicalteamwasastounded lossofappetite.Dehydrationisa (FMT), is gaining traction as a way to helpwhen he required a feeding tube for only constantconcernandcanoccurvery dogs survive parvo without the use ofa day and a half, and bounced out of crit- quickly as a result of the vomiting and pharmaceuticals. It replaces unhealthyical condition in just three days, quickly diarrhea. This is especially dangerous in or infected microbiomes with healthyplayingandrunningagain.Typically, very young puppies. ones. Ask your veterinarian about fecalparvodogsarecriticalfor7-14days Most deaths from parvo occur within transplants. You may try contacting anwithtraditionaltreatments.Thenew 48 to 72 hours after the onset of symp- integrative or holistic veterinarian.drugsignificantlycutMonosrecovery toms, which is why its critical that dogs18 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'