b"Travels With Gizzy. A Love Story The Literary Animalby Rick DuCharme by Elizabeth FaubertSelf published, 2023 Self published, 2022Rick DuCharme, founder and CEO of First Coast No More www.LiteraryAnimal.comHomelessPets(FCNMHP)inJacksonville,Florida,firstmet This sweet book features photographs of animals reading books.Gizzy in 2014, when she and her owner visited the clinic for Expertly staged by photographer, artistveterinary care. Gizzy and her human were homeless and insepa- and bibliophile Elizabeth Faubert, therable. When the man was offered an internship that would help animalsareactuallyposingwiththehim take the steps to improve his life, he asked the folks at FCN- books without the use of photo manip-MHP to take Gizzy. Eventually, circumstances led to DuCharme ulation. Throughout the petite paper-adoptingGizzy.Theirbond back,eachphotographistitledandstrengthened after he had a mas- paired with a notable quote, showingsive heart attack in 2015.off the artists sense of humor and loveForthenextfiveyears, of books. Whenever youre in need of aGizzytraveledeverywherewith smile or a good laugh, this is a goodDuCharmeduringhisbusiness booktohavearound.OurfavoritetripsforhiscompanyRLD Faubert creation is of a cat drinking outConsulting.Hepostedtheir of a Martini glass, oblivious to the book, The Cat Who Livedadventuresonhissocialmedia High,nexttoher.TheaccompanyingquoteisbyErnestpages,encouragedbytheposi- Hemingway. I drink to make other people more interesting. tivefeedback.Thisoversizedbook is a culmination of those posts and Ricks thoughts. It is an Havanese DayThe Power of Pawsitive Thinkingalbum of sorts, but more so a tribute to this remarkable dog and Jan Soderquistthe love for adventure she shared with Rick. It's full of colorful Self published, 2022photographs that chronicle their cross-country trips with a touch www.HavaneseDay.comof geography and history thrown in.Beautiful photography combined with inspirational quotes onIf you are in animal welfare you may recognize some of the thoughtfully-designed pages invite the reader to learn more aboutpeopleandorganizationsincludedthroughoutthebook,like thelifeofacertainAnna Gonce, now executive director of the Humane Society of Havanese,andtheposi-SarasotaCounty,andFrankHamilton,co-founderofAnimal tive energy she brought toCoalition of Tampa, a low cost spay/neuter clinic, now closed.everysituation.LilyLuThebookisfreewithadonationtoCommunityCat was alive and well whenChampions in Jacksonville. Founded by DuCharme in 2022, the herowners,professionalgoal of the charity is to facilitate cat adoption, help cat owners photographers and artistsaccess low-cost veterinary care and provide trap, neuter, release JanSoderquistand(TNR)groupswithassistance.Youmaydonateonlineat Gareth Rockliffe, createdwww.CommunityCatChampions.org the book in celebration ofall the dogs who need res-Tragedy in Tahoe cuing. by Rachele Baker LilyLuwaspur-Fleur de Soleil Books, 2023 portedly from a puppy mill or backyard breeder in Homestead,www.RacheleBaker.com near Miami. The books mission, in addition to helping the read-Veterinarian Rylie Sunderland thought her future was comfort- er practice mindfulness, is to bring more awareness to the puppyablymappedoutuntilafiredestroystheveterinarypractice mill crisis. That information will not be found in the book, butwhere she worked. A move to an old Lake Tahoe estate turned on the books website, which is helping to dispel the myths ofbed and breakfast for the summer might do her good, she thinks. puppy mills. Some people think they have long gone away, oth-Thatis,untilsomeoneismurdered ers believe they are illegal. Even though a third of puppy millsinside the estate, and Rylie is considered have gone out of business across the country as a result of moreasuspect. WithherGoldenRetriever municipalities phasing out the retail sale of puppies in stores,Bellabyherside,Ryliegoesabout many commercial breeding enterprises (aka puppy mills) are stilluncovering clues around town to help legally operating. solve the murder mystery and clear her The New Barker, with help from organizations like Havanesename. This is the first book in the Rylie DayandBailingOutBenji,willcontinuetobringforththeSunderlandMysteryserieswrittenby atrocities of the puppy mill industry, city by city, state by stateRacheleBaker,aveterinarianherself. with the facts. As one of the quotes featured in Havanese Day byHer own veterinarian, Savanna, was the Wayne Dyer articulates: Let the world know why youre here,inspiration for Rylies Golden, Bella.and do it with passion. U48 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com"