b'S PREADING THE WORD AND THE PUPPY bringbackahappy,socialized,well-LOVE . While at USF, Meghan noticed mannered dog. thatmanyofherfellowstudentsmissed living with their pet dogs. This W HAT DOES PUPPY RAISING INVOLVE ?sparked an idea. She formed her very Opening your world to a bright-eyedown puppy raising club and recruited pup with a big destiny wont take allvolunteers,onlyexpectingabout20 your time, but it just might steal allstudentstojoin.When90people your heart. We like to tell our puppyshowedup,Meghanknewshewas raisers that they add the loveand ofonto something. The club raised nine course the food and waterand ourpuppies, total. Today, this club is still team takes care of the rest, says Leslieactive at the USF St. Petersburg cam- Shepard,directorofpuppyraisingpus location.services.EveryraiserreceivesakitThanks to Meghans track record stocked with everything they need toasafaithfulpuppyraiser,sheoften succeed. We also cover all veterinarygets asked the same question: How do care and medical expenses, includingyou give the puppies back? monthly heartworm and parasite pre-Its not hard for this life-long dog ventatives.lover to respond: Its not easy to give So, no matter where a volunteerthem up, but when you see the results, puppy raiser lives in the United States,its all worth it, she says. In the end, the Southeastern Guide Dogs team isyou realize that the dog has a much availabletosupporttheirexcitinghigher purpose than simply being your journeyeverystepoftheway.Plus,pet.Youknowwhentheprocessis therearefun,optionalpuppyraisercomplete that you are sending them groupsinmanylocationsthatgetforward to do a job that they absolute- together to socialize the pups, practicelylove,andthattheyarechanging skills, and share stories. And when asomebodys life. I also joke that I just puppy raiser needs a little break or iswalk right over to the Puppy Academy planningthatwell-deservedgetaway,and get a new puppy to raise! there are puppy sitters ready and will-ingtojumpinandtaketheleash.P UPPY RAISING STARTS WITH A BIT OF Thats a win-win for everyone.MAGIC . Meghans story is a great exam- Are you ready to become a puppyple of balancing the full life of a col- raiser with Southeastern Guide Dogslege student, and now working profes- and open a world of magic to thosesional, with raising a puppy, because with vision loss, veterans with disabil-while everyone may love puppies, not ities,andchildrenwhoneedabesteveryone has all the time in the world. friend? Take home a puppy for 3, 6, orThats why Southeastern Guide Dogs 12 months. Uoffers flexible options for their kind-hearted volunteers. With a 3-, 6-, or To learn more about raising a puppyfor Southeastern Guide Dogs,12-monthoption,puppyraiserscan Y visit www. guidedogs.org/get-choose the length of time that worksbest for their lifestyle. All they have to involved/raise-a-puppydo is say what their magic number is:3, 6, or 12!Southeastern Guide Dogs is aPlus, the experience can be shared tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofitwith friends, family, coworkers, neigh- organization, located atbors, and more. This co-raising option 4210 77th Street Eastadds even more flexibility to the fun of Palmetto, Florida 34221opening your home (and heart) to apuppy.Whethervolunteersoptto Join us for the Southeastern Guideraiseapupontheirownorjoina Dogs Dogs Day Out Walkathon ingroup, their mission is the same: take Tampa and Orlando. Ad on page 66. homeacuddlybundleofjoyand36 THE NEW BARKER'