b'One tranquil morning with a breeze from the Patricia combines her sense of humor and writing skills to createwest, I listened to a symphony of sorts: dissonant yet bios for the adoptable dogs, like Winny, which are featured on therhythmic barking from the large dog kennel at SPCA SPCA Florida websiteFlorida in Lakeland.By the way the crow flies, itsabout a mile from my house. A Eureka, lightbulb Dangle a piece of string cheese or a slab of cheddar and I\'ll followepiphany surfaced when the ideal solution paired my you to my furever home.I\'mWinny, a mixed-breed female who willlove for cats and dogs to a win-win outcome. celebrate her first birthday soon. My person moved, so I\'m tem-Since history tends to repeat itself, I gravitated porarily at SPCA Florida.I\'m gray and white with pink inside myto grunt work at the shelter, volunteering to wash ears.Stop by my ken-and sanitize mountains of bowls, Kong toys and lit- nel and I\'ll greet youter boxes. Two months later, I bailed, citing rickety with my one-of-a-kindlegs and a back averse to leaning over deep sinks. shimmy/happy dance.II refused to give up, teetering between opportu- love everyone and mynities. I incorporated my passion and ability to paint fave amusementsand decorated rocks for a fundraiser. Yes, 560 stones include anything stuffed,strategically placed in pet stores, parks and medical chew toys and tug-facilities to publicize the Rock for Paws concert. ables. Even though IMy next assignment, stuffing envelopes by the excel at cuddles, I couldhundreds, earned me a few paper cuts and a new benefit from an obedi-skill:howtofoldlettersintothreeequalparts. ence refresher course asI directed traffic at spay/neuter events and then tran- I have a bad rep as ansitioned to a two-day a week desk job at the SPCA escape artist.SpoilerFloridaadoptioncenter.Afterfitsandstarts,I alert: not a fan of vacuum cleaners (run the Roomba when I\'m out-becamesemi-skilledinbasiccomputercommands, doors) or visits to the clinic (kinda like "white coat fever" humansgreeted potential adopters and answered phone calls. get). So, wanna help me celebrate my birthday?No need for cakeContinued on the following page g or ice cream. Just a cheese platter we\'ll share before you adopt me.www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 65'