b"Most pet insurance plans allow you to bring your furry three companies to make sure youre receiving the best pricefriend to any licensed vet for treatment, so you dont need to for the coverage you want.Uworry about whether a given clinic is in network.In most cases, youll pay the vet bill upfront, then submit Forbes Comparison Chart:yourreceipttotheinsurancecompanyforreimbursement. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/pet-insurance/compare-pet-However, some pet insurers may be able to pay your vet direct- insurance-quotes/ly so you dont have to put out as much of your own money.Most policies will have an annual deductible, the amount Nerd Wallet did a recent comparison, and the followingyoure responsible for before the insurer starts paying. Once pet insurance companies scored 5 out of 5 stars based onyouve met your deductible, most plans pay out a certain per- their in-depth comparison of coverage, plan terms and options,centage of your vet billtypically 70%, 80% or 90%. And consumer experience, financial strength and discounts:you may be subject to an annual maximum payout. For exam- ASPCA:Best for broad coverage.ple: Say you have a $500 deductible on a plan that pays up to Embrace:Best for many ways to save.$10,000 per year and reimburses 80% of your costs. If your Figo:Best pet insurance for cats.dogneedsa$2,000surgeryandyouhaventputanything MetLife:Best pet insurance for dogs.toward the deductible yet, your plan would pay $1,200. Nationwide: Best for exotic pets.Pre-existing conditions are the most important exclusion Pets Best:Best for flexible plans.in just about every pet insurance plan. Pet insurance generally Spot:Best for straightforward waiting periods.covers only new injuries or illnesses, not conditions the animalhas before the policy takes effect. So dont try buying pet insur- Nerd Wallet also has an extensive library of articles on theance to pay for your cats chemotherapy after they were diag- subject of pet insurance. You may want to start here. nosed with cancerit probably wont be covered. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/insurance/pet-insurance-After searching the internet, we found that Forbes had a for-rescue-dogsfairly comprehensive, current and unbiased comparison of petinsuranceproviders.Mostpetinsuranceprovidersdooffer *Source: ASPCAonline quotes. We recommend checking the rates from at leastLet's Ditch the ItchThe constant it itching, s, scraratching, l, licking, and chewing cag can be a nn b be a nightmare fe for yr you and your dog. W. With ph proper dr diagnososis os of what is causing the ie itch, w, we cae can hn help yp you help your d dog g llive a he a happy, i, itch-free lee life. Call for your ar appointment tt today.Triggers include: Don't forget your pet's food and skin contact with allergens monthly preventives.Fleas, environmental allergens, TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOUHarbourside Animal Hospital Cross Creek Animal Medical Centre1112 Channelside Drive, Tampa 10323 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa813.229.3322 | HarbourSideVet.com 813.994.6929 | CrossCreekVet.comwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 57"