b'Do you listen to music while you When do you work on your art? Ipaint?The past year has been unbe- draw and paint whenever I have thelievably difficult, so most times Ill chance! Life is busy; my art is mylistentosoundscapesandsome- safe haven. When Im working on atimesevenpluginmylavender piece, I need to set an alarm or lis-infuser. ten to my Apple watch or notice theColored pencil is a very slow art suncominginthewindowtoform.Imaginenotonlydrawing remember to eat or go to bed.something, but going over and overthe image to create depth by mixing Explain what your morning rou-colors and adding layer after layer tine is like? Our rescue cat Trixie isuntilyouachievethatimagethat the first to wake up, (how does sheyouvebeenwantingtoseecome know that its 6 am?).She wakes upalive on your easel. the dogs, and I slip out to feed themotley crew.Once Ive had a cup ofWhat favorite items are on your coffee,played Wordle(andshareddesk right now? Im looking at it as withmyfamilyandfriends)andItypethis.Ikeepinspirational lookedatanyimportantemails,Iquotes nearby, and my favorite one touch base with my dear husbandis by Maya Angelou: and head out the door with the dogsfor a one to two mile walk. We usu-People will forget what allygethomeaboutthetimeheyou said. People will forget heads out to work. Next is breakfastwhat you did. People will and a start on my day.never forget how you Im currently training a two-year-old rescue who has some habitsmade them feel.requiring immediate correction.Iteach three neighborhood childrenAs an artist, I am fortunate that a shading class to help them seewhat I do often does evoke wonder- the difference that light can makeful feelings. How wonderful is that? andhowtousetheirpencils/pas-tels/painttocreaterealismandWhat projects are you working on depth. I am also active in our localright now?I have several commis- chapterofNAMI(Nationalsion pieces waiting, but my clients AllianceonMentalIllness)asaarelookingforthatperfectphoto Family-to-Family teacher and haveandImhappytowait.Ihavea beenaskedtospeaktogroupsinlargerpaintingthatIamhoping both mental health matters and aswill help the people who have lost an artist.their pets but cant afford one of mycustom pieces. Im also looking at If you could meet one artist, deadmy photos for a special one to draw or alive, who would that be andfor an upcoming contest. why?IlovethelightingusedbyRembrandt,butrecentlywasinWhat is the most cherished item London (one of my pieces was shortinyourstudio?Myspecialneeds listed for International Artist of theson passed away in August of 2023. Year in 2023 by the SAA for theirI painted a picture of him from a exhibition) and fell in love with thephoto when he was kayaking while work of B.E. Murillo (1618-1682).in a treatment center in Oklahoma Heworkedinrealismandand called it Daniels Hope. He tenebrism, which is a technique ofhadschizophreniaanddiedofan usinglightandshadowtocreateaccidentaloverdose. Thatpainting depth,atmosphere,andemotionalfrom 2021 means a lot to me now. intensity in paintings. 44 THE NEW BARKER'