b'Its as simple as it sounds, but does and farm dog testing. The site is quitetake most new dogs a bit of getting largewithspecificaccommodationsused to. For some pups, just getting for each game, with seating for playersused to swimming might be the first and spectators.step, but all the locations we visited With full-time staff and 24/7 on-were happy and willing to help new- sitemonitoringofthekennelsandcomers get their first splash. property, CFK9 is the most ambitiousThesporthasgrownsincethe ofthelocationswevisited.Ownerearlydaysofdogsleapingoffreal Rock Galloway and his family openeddocksintoponds,lakes,andrivers. in 2014, converting the previous vet-Today,mostdockdivingeventsare erinarian/kennelsintoamulti-sportfrom special built 40-foot attachments and training complex for dogs on theto 40-foot (or longer) pools. Most are thirty-acreproperty.Theykeptthepermanent structures, but there is one kennelsandupgradedallareastofullymobiledockthatcantravelto provide indoor and outdoor activitiesevents around the state and the country.throughout the year. The great popularity of dock div- The permanent dock is managedinggamesmaybeitsaccessibility. byfiveofthe25-memberstaffandBusy dog owners may not have much theyincludetwoUltimateAirDogtime to invest in training needed for judges with a third to be added soon.sportslikeagilityorherding,andif Though there is a long ramp up to theyou have a dog who loves playing in dock entrance, it may not be suitablewater, the bar to entry is very achiev- forlargewheelchairstonavigatetheable for most, and the dogs love it. turnontothedockitself.ItisCentral Florida is very fortunate available for private rental, dock divingto have four docks that are accessible and dog swimming lessons. to most Florida residents. From Ocala Thepropertyhasapavedwest to Chiefland, south to Myakka entrance.ParkingismostlyongrassCity, and east to Eustis. Spectators are andtherearelimitedRVspots.Nowelcome at all scheduled events, and notable obstacles or steep hills, as theoften,theopportunitytogetyour propertyismostlyflat.Themainown dogs wet may be available. Check officeandstorehaveawheelchairahead with the location.accessiblerestroom.Bytheway,Galloway spent years as a law enforce-F OUR DOCKS TO CHECK . ment K-9 handler for thirteen patrol,OUTCentral Florida K9 (CFK9) narcotics, bomb, and cadaver K-9s.www.centralfloridak9.comPermanent Dock Contact and directions:RV: Dry camping only. 27101 County Rd 44ACentral Florida K9 is arguably the Eustis, FL 32736, USAmost beautiful venue for dog sports in Email: CentralFloridaK9@gmail.comFlorida. The 30-acre property resem- Phone: 407.926.8100bles one of the states premiere eques-triancenters,morethanthetypicalopen lot of most venues. They provide Florida K9 Sports a multitude of services and training for www.flk9sports.comvarious games from scent work (both Mobile DockNASDA and Barn Hunt) to boarding, RV: Dry camping only.obedience,K9explosive,narcotics, DeepinruralFloridasitstheandcadavertracking.Theyconduct statesnewestdockdivingvenueat160-hourclassesfornarcotics/explo- Florida K9 Sports. Owner Jay Nicholssive and cadaver dogs and have a K9 moved his mobile dock and operationsconfidence course. They also provide in2021fromMontanatoMyakkacertificationsforAKCtemperament City, Florida. Continued on following page gwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 51'