b"DOG BAR ST. PETEThis unique, membership dog park and21-and-up bar has a big following locally andacross the state. More than 5,000 square feetof indoor and outdoor space. The dog parkshave on-leash and off-leash areas, with sepa-rate play areas for small dogs and medium tolarge dogs. Large screen TVs throughout. Livemusic. Food trucks. A great place for animalshelters and rescue groups to host fundraisingevents.2300 Central Ave., St. Petersburg727.317.4968DogBarStPete.comGOODY GOODY FAMOUSBURGERSGoody Goody had been a Tampa traditionsince 1925. It closed in 2005 and the folksbehind the successful Columbia RestaurantGroup brought the restaurant back in2016. Delicious comfort food and home-made pies that are out-of-this-world.Covered outdoor seating. Breakfast (allday), lunch and dinner.Take out available.1601 W. Swann Ave., Tampa 813.308.1925GoodyGoodyBurgers.comHONU (The)Aloha, to Dunedins lovely leid back TikiBar and Polynesian Restaurant in the heartof downtown. Island favorites on the menuinclude Kilauea, Fire Dancing Plate andGreen Curry. Vegan and vegetarian menu b\x01*\x01\\x01*\x01\\\x01\x01%\x01\x01%\x01B\x01Bavailable. Baked fish of the day and daily fish taco specials. All in a beautifully reno-vated bungalow with covered outdoor \x01 \x01seating. Dog dining menu available. Their \x01:\x01\x10authentic Tiki Bar is an adult (and dog-friendly) oasis, and a must-see. Great spotto host your next event.Take out available. $\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01516 Grant Street, Dunedin727.333.7777 U\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01TheHonuRestaurant.com\\\x01 \x02y\x01\x02BU\\MY HAPPY PLACE DELIFrom the same local family who brings :LQWHU\x0f\x036SULQJ\x03DQG +HOG\x03RQ\x03VHOHFWyou the fabulously dog-friendly and always 6XPPHU\x03&DPSV\x03UDQJH 7HDFKHU\x033ODQQLQJdelicious Sweet Sage Cafe comes a new IURP\x03WZR\x03WR\x03ILYH\x03GD\\V\x03 'D\\Vconcept in casual, fun eating and drinking.Open daily from 11a-7p for takeout. )URP\x03\x1cDP\x03\x10\x03\x16SPBreakfast items, sandwiches, salads, )RU\x03FKLOGUHQ\x03DJHV\x03\x1c\x03\x10\x03\x14\x15smoothies, ice-cream and cocktails.Enjoy their Happy Happy signatureMargarita on the tiki deck.Take out available.16811 Gulf Blvd.North Redington Beach727.954.5252MyHappyPlaceDeli.com6FDQ\x03WR\x03OHDUQ\x03PRUH\x03DQG\x03UHJLVWHU\x03\\RXU\x03FKLOG\x0f\x03WRGD\\\x04www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 69"