b'Tracks K9 Club www.tracksk9club.comPermanent DockRV: Dry camping only.Tracks K9 Club sits on five acres and opened with a bangin January 2022. Co-owner Chris Hutchko is a retired veteranpolice officer, and passionate about his business. His wife Kimand longtime friend Diane DAngelo provide a great place tojusthavefunwithourdogs.TheirlocationisclosetoChieflandwhichputsthemtooclosetoexistingofficiallocations to be considered as official hosts for some games,trials and competitions. However, that has not wavered theircommitment as they simply adapted the games on their site tounique and entertaining variations of their own design, likeUltimate Rat Hunt and Renegade Dog Sports.They have also added agility, a dog confidence course andscent detection. In 2022, the dock was officially added to theUltimateAirDogsdockdivingleagueandbeganhostingregularevents.Thoughthedockcurrentlydoesnotofferwheelchair access, the owners are pursuing options from rampsto lifts that may be added in the future.The club has had numerous press stories in the local mediaand a very clear positive reception in the community. In 2023,Tracks K9 was declared Ultimate Air Dog (UAD) Dock ofthe Year.A wheelchair accessible porta-potty has been added to theproperty. The team is willing and supportive in welcoming anydisabled handlers or owners who visit as spectators or playersin any of the games they host.Contact and directions:14841 NW 66Th AveChiefland, FL 32626Phone:352.535.3968Continued on the following page gwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 53'