b'Dawg Bawl LeashNecessity Is The Mother Of Invention Jeff and Dena Yeager had four ItalianGreyhounds who loved to go on walks. It was challenging for the two ofthem to walk the four dogs without leash tangles, even when they split thedogs up and walked two dogs each, and it was basically impossible forthem to walk the four dogs alone. They tried many different productsclaiming to be tangle-free, but none worked. So, Jeff (an engineer) start-ed innovating with prototypes, thoroughly testing each one. Finally, the Stylish & Comfortable Pet Travel Whether its aDAWGBAWL was invented, and you know what? It really works! We triedtrip to the vet or across the country, the airline-it out for ourselves and love it.compliant Bergan Comfort Carrier helps yourYes,youcanwalkmultipledogsatoncewithnomoretangledpettravelcomfortably.Thepracticaldesignleashes. Easily adaptable whether youre walking a duo, trio or quartettakesthestressoutoftraveling.Superiorof dogs. Add or remove the leads as needed. This is, by far, one of thebestinventionsofadogproductweveseen.Check out the cool video safety in cars with the safety-tested Seat-Beltdemonstrating how it works at www.DawgBawl.com Loop to secure the carrier.Mesh panels allowfor maximum breathability.Rainy Days and Mondays Your pup will keepbusy with the three-in-one plush toy, RainCloud. The three raindrops are remov-able.Nostuffingorsqueakersforsafer play, especially for those dogswho love to shred stuff. Made in theUSA with post-consumer recycledmaterials. Double stitched hidden FiveStarDining Addalittlevarietytoyourseams. Washable. dogs dining experience with this Country BlueDoghandcraftedstonewaredesignfromPetrageous. Dishwasher and microwave safe.Shop your independent pet supply stores for these items.Our where-to-buy list is on page 22.20 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'