b'Not On the Sidelines of Life Anymoreby Karen Frashier, APRChris Adams was born with congenital cataracts that led to glau-coma, scarring, corneal transplants and retinal issues beginningin her early 20s. For the past two decades, her vision went steadilydownhill, and how on the good days, she can only see a littlein her right eye. Shehadgonebacktocollegetogetadegreeinelemen-taryeducationsoshe could teach, buther eyesight becametoo limited and thatdidnt seem possible.Nevertheless,shelived alone and feltmostlyindepend-ent,exceptforoneissueshehatedusing a white cane.Thatledtothedecision to get her first guide dog, Liberty. With Liberty, Chriswas able to run errands by herself and felt less reliant on hermother to be a sighted guide. After Liberty retired, she went toMaine to live with Chriss daughter. Chris found it difficult tolive without a guide dog.She is now paired with a lovely new guide dog named Aero.I am me again! she says enthusiastically. Im not off on thesidelines of life anymore. A wonderful companion, Aero is well-behaved, smart, and a total snuggle bunny. Like her handler,she loves to interact with people. With Aero by her side, Chrisenjoys their travels together, and says happily, Were ready toget out there and be part of the world.Whats In A Name?Aero was sponsored, thanks to the generosity of Air Animal PetMovers. They have helped 50,000 families, and counting, relocatetheir pets since 1977,most of which are onboard commercialairlines. Naming theirsuperhero Aero alignedperfectly with theirwww.AirAnimal.com business. Naming aSoutheastern GuideDogs puppy creates a rewarding way to make an impactin the community.Sponsors make a donation to SoutheasternGuide Dogs to name a puppy, choosing names meaningful tothem or their business. While some may be able to simply write acheck, others put the fun in fundraising to raise enough toname a puppy.For more information on sponsoring a puppy and namingrights, please call Southeastern Guide Dogs at 941.729.5665 www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 37'