b'We experience so much decision fatigue, and face such animal is difficult, most (sane) people do not have pets ongreat obstacles, that having a dog helps us relax and smile. As board, but miss the companionship, so Logan has become aa dog lover, you know dogs have this infectious energy about surrogate dog for some as well. It is so gratifying to see the joythem. A squall, storm or rough seas never stops Logan from he brings to people by a simple game of tug or toss. wanting to eat, play, snuggleor poop. He reminds us that What has Logan taught me? A lot. A lot more than I everthe storm will pass, and we need to rely on each other to get could have imagined. He reminds us to continue exploring, tothrough it.look further into the bush, to be grateful for a small sandyLoganpossessesallofthetraitsofagoodcruiser.He atoll, expansive hills or towering waterfall. He reminds us ofrejoices in the here and now and doesnt get bogged down in the importance of staying motivated when the boat projectsthe obstacles and failures each day presents. He is excited for pile up or the seas toss us around like laundry in a washingthe next meal, belly rub or game of tug. He doesnt let the machine. He has taught us to celebrate small victories. And,future cloud his ability to stay present and motivated. Logan maybe the most important lesson is the importance of close- relishesintheunbelievablejoyofthisjourney.Heeagerly ness. He reminds us that without each other, none of this wakes up at 5a.m. to hop in the dinghy, tie up at a pier or would be possible. We have a bad habit of getting lost in proj-beach, and play frisbee until he cant jump anymore. His sheer ects, while Logan is perfectly content sitting around with hisjoy for the simplicity of life encourages us to keep going.sloppy grin and crooked nose. We all have an important roleAlong with keeping us energized, Logan also reminds us to play in this crazy journey, and together, we have the chanceto slow down. If he wasnt on board, we probably wouldnt go of crossing our wake and closing the loop. Uto shore as often, or look for the long stretches of abandonedbeaches to run. We could just keep going, island to island and Follow the journey of Katie, Matt and Logan on Sailingnot pause to, literally, smell the roses. Logan gives us an Y Searcher:www.NoForeignLand.com/boat/searcher excuse to take an extra day to rest and stretch our legs ashore. Click on Show Journey to view journal entries of theirWe see so much more of the places we visit because of him. ocean crossings. Instagram: @sailingsearcherLogan is a bit of a showstopper with his frisbee, so kids (and Logan Instagram: @sailingcattledog adults) come in droves to play. We have met some of our clos- Travel Consulting: deepblueheeler.comest cruising friends because of Logan. Since cruising with an www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 29'