b"Today, what and who inspires you? Ifindmyselfinspiredbylookingatbeautiful works done by other artists,orabeautifulanimalorscenethat GOING BROKEmakes me long to bring it to life on my As your local independent pet supply store in Lakeland, easel. weve brought in quality fresh food and gently-cooked food I couldnt talk about my art jour- options at more a\x1fordable prices than you will nd in big ney, these past few years, without men- box stores. Stop in and let us show you how to change up tioning Bonny Snowdon from North your dogs diet. We promise it will be worth your time.YorkshireinEngland.Herkindnessand talent make her the Bob Ross ofcolored pencils.She responded to anemail I sent her years ago and has con-tinued to support and encourage meever since. (Yes, I was able to visit herwhen I was in England in October.)My very early work was rough sketch-es with watercolor washes, then I set-tledintoamoredetaileduseofgraphite.My first portrait of $100 wassupposed to be delivered in January of2020, but when I called for paymentand delivery the client was laid up withCOVID without pay. There was no way 863.683.6220|www.thedoggiebag.boutiqueI could charge her; it led to me drawing 1702 E. Edgewood Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803as many portraits as I could for free forfriends and family as long as the coun-try was in lockdown.I was drawing asquickly as I could, about two portraits aweek, until lockdown was lifted.I like WELL BE to think that it helped me to develop CELEBRATINGmy skills for the full launch of my web- 21 YEARS WITH A site and Facebook page in June of 2020. NEW LOCATION!Iaddedcoloredpencilafterlearning Exciting news for Medicine techniquesfromBonnySnowdonin River Animal Hospital. 2022. After selling our building on Madeira Beach, were What is the one thing about your- moving to a new location.Thanks to all of our self,thatevenyourclosestfriends patients and pet parents maybedon'tknow,thatyoudbe who have been a part of willing to share?I actually can still our incredible journey.communicate in a basic conversationin Cantonese.I was a missionary inMacau in the mid-1980s and still havefriends there. UFor more information on Linda Metzgervisit her website and social mediapages:www.LindasPetPortraits.comFacebook and Instagram @LMMPortrait Connect with Linda by phone or email: SHAWNA L. GREEN, DVM407.738.3056 Please follow us on social media for the new location and address.email: LmmPortrait@gmail.com 727.299.9029 | MedicineRiverAnimalHospital.comwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 45"