b'The Florida K9 Sports location is several acres tucked in Ocala Dog Ranch beside a blueberry farm with sparse woods, providing a flat www.ocaladogranch.comopen field and big skies overhead. Jays background in dog Permanent Dockhandling and training has been mostly with search and rescue, RV: Dry Camp Only (There is an Air B&B on site)andbombdetectiondogs.Dockdivinghasbeenagreat Just west of I-75, near Ocala, sits one of the countrys mostchange of pace and opportunity to provide his dogs with addi- beloved dog sports locations, the Ocala Dog Ranch. Founded intional challenges while having a fun time. 2018 by Sally Saxton and Neil Hennessey, the facility includesa permanent dock. They regularly host flyball, barn hunt, agili-ty, obedience, and disc dog activities and training. Additionally,they conduct AKC Canine Good Citizen testing. The dock ispart of the International Dog Sports network of docks acrossNorth America, and hosted the Florida contingent of the 2023national championship.Ocala Dog Ranch stays very active in the local community.From providing dog shelters free access to host adoption eventsto supporting a variety of dog friendly activities in the Ocalaarea. It was also the first dock we visited some years ago thatalready had set aside disabled vehicle parking and a wheelchairaccessible porta-potty and heated pool for all year dock in thecooler months. Though the dock itself does not currently have wheelchairaccess, the owners have been proactive in pursuing a solutionand we hope to see progress in the coming year. This limitationdoes not impact other games not dependent on the dock. FromThis 5-acre plot is both home and business to Jay and disc-dog to flyball, the gang at Ocala Dog Ranch is capable andWendy Nichols and their own dogs. Jay is actively pursuing a willing to accommodate those with special needs and their dogs.solution to offer wheelchair access to the dock, and we will be Co-ownerNeilHennesseyisaformerBritishArmywatching for this exciting development. There is no specific commando and personally committed to helping those veteransdisabledparking,butparkingandeasyaccessisplentiful. with disabilities. He has been a very active partner with us inThere are no RV hookups, but there is room for dry camp- pursuing solutions and access for those with disabilities interest-ing on site. The venue is planning to add UpDog Challenge ed in joining the games at the Ocala Dog ranch.(Disc Dog games) in 2024.Contact and directions:Contact and directions: Ocala Dog Ranch43525 Florida 64 440 SW 110 Ave.Myakka City, FL 34251 Ocala, FL 34481Phone: 406.208.9633 Phone: 352.575.1069FLK9SPORTS@gmail.com E-mail: Info@ocaladogranch.com52THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'