b'BELLAS ITALIAN CAFEBellas has been open for 30+ years.The ambience is casual, yet sophisticatedenough for a special date. Authentic Italianfare, from the paper-thin carpaccio to theold-fashioned spaghetti and meatballs. Pizzasare created from an original Venetian recipeand cooked in a wood-fired oven.Vegetarian and vegan offerings are also onthe menu. Covered outdoor patio.Take out available.1413 S. Howard Ave., Tampa813.254.3355BellasItalianCafe.comBLACK DOG CAFECommunity coffee shop selling wonderfulsingle origin and blended roasted coffees,espresso drinks, locally made baked goodsand frozen treats. They use St. PetersburgsBatdorf & Bronson coffees, local eggs andproduce when available in their crustlessquiche, and are serious about sustainability.Free wifi with a purchase as a courtesy totheir customers.229 Lake Ella Dr., Tallahassee850.224.2518BlackDogCafeFl.wixsite.comCASA SANTO STEFANOA new Sicilian restaurant in Tampa andthe latest delicious offering from theColumbia Restaurant Group. Step intoa showplace of art and back to the daysof Sunday suppers, simpler times, andshared stories.Serving dinner daily from 4p-10p.Take out available.1607 N. 22nd St., Tampa813.248.1925CasaSantoStefano.comCHA CHA COCONUTSCasual dining with a tropical twist, offer-ing a savory selection of seafood, sand-wiches and other island-style fare. Tropicaldrinks. Open daily for lunch and dinner.Live entertainment. Take out available.417 St. Armands Circle, Sarasota941.388.3300ChaCha-Coconuts.comCOB & PENA gathering place for all to enjoy,experience, and educate themselves in thearts of craft beer, boutique wine, fine food,and keeping good company. Located in thehistoric Dixieland neighborhood ofLakeland, just blocks from Downtown. Take out available.1221 S. Florida Ave., Lakeland863.937.8126CobAndPenLakeland.com68 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'