b'Golden Retriever of Mid-Floridawww.GRRMF.orginfo@GRRMF.org407.332.2840Facebook @GRRMF and Instagram: @GoldenRescueMidFlHearts of GoldAnimal therapy has become widely accepted, and thebenefits others receive from the visits are priceless. GingerVincent helped to establish the Hearts of Gold therapyprogram in 2019, as a community service extension ofGolden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida. She was inspiredby her own GRRMF dog Bailey through their experiencesof volunteering as a therapy dog team.GRRMF volunteerscontacted adoptive families to see if there was an interestin the program and also invited those alums already doingtherapy visits to join their team. They began screeningpotential dog handler candidates in Tampa and Melbourneand finished their first year with 28 therapy teams that per-formed an average of 35 visits a month to support differentassisted living and rehab facilities, library reading pro-grams, elementary schools and college events.NEW CLIENT OFFERGRRMF partners with Project PUP in their Mid-Florida area TZW\x05UJYX\x05WXY\x05J]FR\x05NX\x05FREE*of coverage. Together, they have established a specialteam of handlers and dogs to represent GRRMF at com- Did you know that routine veterinary visits may help prevent munity events and respond to requests for therapy visits. a condition from becoming serious? Early detection also leads to proper treatment and management.Since the Hearts of Gold team comes under Project PUPsinsurance umbrella, to participate as a member of the ther- SERVICES WE OFFERUltrasoundIn-house DiagnosticsX-Rayapy team, all dog/handler teams must obtain a Project DentistrySurgeryWellness ExamsTiter TestingPUP certification by attending a full screening evaluation. VaccinationsLaser TherapyFor more information on Hearts of Gold therapy program 727. 317. 2706contact GRRMFTherapyPups@grrmf.orgwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 41'