b'In the two previous issues ofThe New Barker (issue numbers 47 and 48), we followedthe travels of Katie (Young) and Matt Monahan, and their Australian Cattle DogLogan.They are currently spending monsoon season in Phuket, Thailand before setting offacrosstheIndianOcean.ThetriobegantheirsailingadventuresinSeptember2021traveling around the world on the 42-foot sailboat,Searcher. They have sincesailed more than 18,000 nautical miles and visited nine countries: Puerto Rico,Curaao, Panama, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia andThailand. In this article, Katie shares what she has learned about life on the high seaswith her canine buddy Logan.S inceMatt,LoganandIleft Many people hear about our adven-Puerto Rico in September 2021, tures and think, wow, they are livingwehavesailedtotheDutch the dream! That is truewe are livingIsland of Curaao, explored the jungles our dream, and it has been incrediblyand beaches of Panama, dove deep and challenging.Circumnavigating has madeclimbed mountains in French Polynesia, us almost completely self-sufficient. Wecooledoffintherefreshingwatersof are often thousands of miles away fromFiji, tramped throughout the north and help and can go weeks without seeingsouth islands of New Zealand, explored another soul. All we have are each other.the vast coastline and amazing animals What we are doing can be danger-of Australia, cruised through the 1,800 ous. A decision can mean the differenceislands of Indonesia and are now waiting betweensafetyandinjury,successoroutmonsoonseasoninbeautiful failure, life or death. We need to haveThailand,beforesettingoffacrossthe hardconversations,trusteachothervast Indian Ocean. I am excited for the implicitly, and hold each other account-unknown adventures ahead, and reflect ablealways. There are no days off onon all we have experienced and all that this journey; every action we take has aLogan has taught us.consequence. ThatpressurecanweighTwoyears,18,000nauticalmiles on us, especially when we are so far fromand nine countries later, we have seen oursafetynetofhomeandfamily.Iand experienced more than I could have honestly dont know what we would doever imagined. But it has not been all without Logan continually beside us toMai Tais, beaches and sunsets. Fulfilling motivate us and remind us to ignore thea dream is hard work. We have experi- smallstuff.Afterall,youareonlyaenced some incredible highs, and some Frisbee toss away from happiness.gut-wrenchinglowstogether.Noneof As a former Service Dog trainer forthese experiences would be as meaning- veterans at Southeastern Guide Dogs, Iful,orasmuchfun,withoutLogan. oftendiscussedtheresiliencyoftheLogan sees beyond the horizon; he does- dogs. The more quickly the dogs adaptedntgettangledupintheobstacleswe to stressful experiencesboth physicalface. Like most dogs, and the occasional and emotionalthe more balanced andrare human being, Logan is happy just happiertheywouldbeandthebetterto be here with us.they could serve their partner.Continued on following page gwww.TheNewBarker.com TTHHEE N NEEWW B BAARRKKEERR 25'