b'realitysoundbites.A Community Helper of HeartsMany area rescue volunteers often encounter homeless are able to help. In these times of great need, there areand at-risk people who are desperately trying to care for many organizations vying for the goodness and dollars oftheir pets. For some, their pets are the only reason they others. But, there is only so much generosity to go around.are able to survive a life of hopelessness and despair With that in mind, Community Pet Project sentand many end up surrendering their pets to local shel- us a timely reminder to pass along to our readersters because they are unable to provide for their pets. who want to donate their time, money, servicesThe need is great, and through the Community Pet and products to an organization. Please doProject, volunteers work to help these people keep your research when deciding what organizationsand care for their pets. Community Pet Project was you choose to support, said the organizationsorganized in 2017 as an all-volunteer 501c3 charitable executive director, Rhonda Eldridge. Sheorganization serving Hillsborough County, Florida.reminds us that a nonprofit should have anVolunteers with the organization attend the IRS Employer Identification Number, as wellHillsborough County Sheriffs Office and the as their CH Number. Check to see if theTampa Police Department quarterly community Florida nonprofit is registered with the State ofoutreach events where they provide homeless and Florida. Rhonda also reminds us to ask our-at-risk families pet food and pet supplies such selves the following questions:as flea prevention, wormer, grooming supplies, 1) Does the organizations mission aligntreats, and toys, as well as information with our own personal beliefs?; 2) Is the organ-regarding veterinary care and spay and James Phillips and his dog Diesel were ization fiscally responsible and goodneuter surgeries. homeless for nine months until Community stewards of the donationsSince 2018, Community Pet Project Pet Project stepped in to help them. His they receive?; 3) Check the nonprofithas paid more than $50,000 in medical story was featured in the Summer 2020 out on the Florida Department ofbills for those who could not afford to edition of The New Barker (issue #41). Agriculture and Consumer Serviceshelp their family pets.Their food pantry has fed more than website Check-A-Charity at csapp.fdacs.gov U11,471 dogs and cats and other family pets, aswell as providing assistance to rescue groups.Community Pet Projectwww.CommunityPetProject.orgCommunity Pet Project relies on financial contributions 813.530.6722; communitypetproject@yahoo.comand product donations from those in the community whoBrevard County Chipping In To Help Reunite Pets With OwnersSPCA of Brevard recently implemented a community program Havingoneineveryfirestationisprettyawesome,to help reunite lost pets with their owners. Microchip scanners Neidert said. This gets these pets to their owners quicker.havebeenplacedinallfirestations Afterthesuccessofthepilotpro-throughout Brevard County. Citizens can gramatTitusvillefirestationsandtake lost pets to a fire station at any time policedepartments,theprogramwasand follow a step-by-step handbook pro- expandedtoCocoaandViera.vided to scan the pet. Robyn Copeland, Copelandadded,IfwecouldkeepfosterprogrammanagerwithSPCAof them from entering the shelter at all,Brevard,saidhand-heldscannerscan that could help ease the shelters burdendetectmicrochipsimplantedunderthe byreducingthenumberofpetsskinandbetweenthepetsshoulder brought there.blades.Brevard Kennel Club sponsored 22Because theyre under the skin, they of the microchip scanners while othercan migrate to other places, Copeland localareabusinessesandindividualssaidoftheimplantsduringascanner steppeduptosponsortherestofdemonstrationatBrevardCountyFire the scanners. URescue Station 48 in Viera on July 2. Ivefound them in all kinds of strange places.A Merritt Island resident found this sweet girl For more information on the programand brought her to Brevard County Fire RescueBrevard County Fire Rescue District Station 43. The chip had her owners informa- visit www.SPCABrevard.com and click onChief Tom Neidert said the scanners are tion who was quickly called. The lucky pup was the link: I Found A Lost Peta welcome addition to the stations.soon reunited with her owner.18 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'