b'There are now more than 100 law enforcementservice dogs buried in this special section at CurlewAS A PET GUARDIAN,Hills Memory Gardens.Each spring, a memorial ceremony is held to honor the K-9s who passed that DO YOU KNOW YOUR year.Theceremonyincludesarealawenforcementofficers with their K-9 partners by their side. The close LEGAL RIGHTS?relationship that the officers share with the animals isobvious at a glance. The public is invited to attend.During the memorial ceremony, officers who havelost their K-9 partner speak about their companion.Their speeches are filled with exciting chase stories,fond memories, and of course some tears. Each officerPHOTOGRAPH BY JACQUI SILLALeft to right: Clearwater Police Chief Eric Gandy,Keenan Knopke, Pinellas County Sheriffs Office The Goodwin Firm assists pet owners and Sergeant Mike Killian and Major Michael Spitaleri. pet businesses with their unique legal speaks about the close relationship shared with their needs, including:K-9 partner and how they depend on them, withoutquestion, in life and death situations.Thereissuchadeepconnectionbetweenthe Pet Custody/Ownership DisputeshandlersandtheirK-9partnersthatisincredibly Dog Bite Defensetouchingtowitness,commentsKeenan.Because Animal Control Citation DefenseService Animal/Emotional ional Support Animal Discriminationeach dog lives with their handler, they become atrue Pre-Puptual Agreementstspart of the family. While working together, the K-9 Representation of Pet Industry Businessesand the officer depend on one another for their safety and Non-Profits such as,and often times their lives. Drafting agreements, releases, and waiversImmediatelyfollowingtheceremony,thoseTrademarksattending can stay to pet the K-9s and meet the offi-Labor & Employment Compliancompliance and Litigationcers. Just puppies at heart, the dogs seem to enjoy theBusiness Litigationpositive attention and opportunity to show off someGeneral Counsel Servicesesjumping or tug play skills.WeareveryproudofourK-9MemorialService,concludesKeenan.Itisatouchingandpoignant event that pays tribute to these remarkableanimals as well as supports the handlers and theirfamilies. Its an opportunity to recognize their invalu- April S. Goodwin, Esq.|Andrew J. Silvers, Esq.able contributions to public safety and how much Areas of Practice: Pet Rights, Employer Rights, they mean to our community. U Business Law, & TrademarksFor more information on the K-9 Memorial Service or the 727.316.53333Pet Cemetery at Curlew Hills Memory Gardens, please call 7.727.789.2000 or visit CurlewHills.comFollow on www.Goodwin-Firm.com|info@goodwin-firm.com fo@goodwin-o@goodwin-Facebook @CurlewHills and Instagram @CurlewHills1 Saint Petersburg, Floridawww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 45'