b'Frustration accelerated as the photo session wore onJacks Pavlovian response to anticipating treats.Strings ofslimy saliva landed on the hymnal.Patiencewentoutthewindowaswethreeblinked,sighed and yawned during endless takes.MurphysLawifthingscangowrong,theywilldominatedwhenfilmjammed,flashbulbseitherexploded or failed to activate, the shutter release kickedintooverdrive,andJackpassedenoughgastoheatourhouse all winter.I think I got a winner, Dad exclaimed several rollsof film later.Music (but not from strident bagpipes) toour ears.Take Jack out for a run, Mom said.Hell need togo.An understatement considering the two empty boxesthat once contained Milk Bones.Next came Dads journey into the unknown, the laun-dryarearepurposedasadarkroom,todevelopfilm.Runningafaucetorflushingthetoilet,offlimitssinceunwavering water temperature was paramount to successfulphoto outcome.Followingaseriesofsteps culminating in photosemerging in chemical baths,onlyoneimagepassedmuster for our unique hol-iday greeting.AsMomwasaddress-ing envelopes and lickingthree-centstampsfor Meal T Toppers s postage, Dad was conjur-ing up the theme for ourfamilys1954holidaygreeting.Thescenario That Will Help Your Dog Thriveandlogistics,whilethankfullynotsetinstone,involvedfittingThe beloved Christmas card from 1953 Jackwithareindeercostumeandanchor-inghimonaRadioFlyer sled.Jimmy and I would hold on to Jack for dear lifewhile Dad secured a ladder for our ascent to the roof. UWoof Creek Health Supplement Blends are carefuformulated by our dog dad, chef, and advanced cnutrition specialist. With only active, clean ingredients and QR\x03ELQGHUV\x0f\x03SUHVHUYDWLYHV\x0f\x03OOHUV\x0f\x03RU\x03V\\QWKHWLFV\x0f\x03RXU\x03SRZGHUHG\x03KHDOWK\x03EOHQGV\x03DUH\x03SDFNHG\x03ZLWK\x03DGDSWRJHQV\x03GHVLJQHG\x03WR\x03RIIHU\x03KROLVWLF\x03VXSSRUW\x03IRU\x03EDODQFH\x03DQG\x03ZHOOQHVV\x115 first order$ Off yourUseBARKER24at checkoutWoofCreek.comSourced ad and Made in the Ue USA. For More Tail Wagging Years TMwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 49'