b'If you could meet one artist, dead or alive, who would What is the one thing about yourself, that even yourthat be and why? I would love to meet Vincent Van Gogh. closest friends might not know, that you would beHis work is emotive, willing to share? I struggled with reading when I wasdynamic, and vibrant. younger. I was often behind the other kids in class, andIm captivated by his during silent reading time, I would flip the pages whenstory and his unique I heard others turn theirs, even though I hadnt read orexpression through comprehended the material. I didnt want it to be obviousboth his art and let- that I was struggling. Now, I love reading, and Im passionateters. His paintings about writing and illustrating my own childrens books. Iserve as a visual diary have several book ideas jotted down that I hope to flesh outof his life, inspired by in the next few years. Uthe people and placeshe encountered. For more information on Kristen Baker:Visiting the Van Gogh website: www.sketchbookbykristen.com Museum in Explore her "Events" page for upcoming painting partiesAmsterdam is at the and local markets.top of my bucket list, email: hello@sketchbookbykristen.comas Im eager to immerse myself in his legacy. social media: @sketchbookbykristenFavorite way to unwind: A bike ride on the riverwalk, and phone number: 607.761.7357anything that\'s active and outdoors in nature.A Donation to RARF Lands Them On the Cover of The New BarkerThe subjects of Kristen Bakers portrait gracing the current his soulful eyes. For most of the first two years of his life, heissue of The New Barker are Nya, Lady and Ghost. Their had been sedated and crated. Finally, and thankfully, he washumans participated in the live auction during the 2023 surrendered to Husky Haven. He needs us to be an advo-Chow Down fundraising event for the Ryan Animal cate for him, said Siobhn. We, as a family, have developedRescue Foundation (RARF). Their winning bid of $6,000 a protective barrier for him around other people and in dif-granted them the opportunity to have their pets portrait ferent situations. Ghost is the most avid runner of the trio,painted by an artist to then appear and has a good knack for hunting.on the cover of The New Barker. He lives to run. He will cry andThey will also receive the original sing to us to remind us that its timeartwork created by Kristen.to go for a run.The family of Nya, Lady and Siobhn had always told herGhost pours their extra curricular husband that she would never betime into volunteering with animal that crazy dog lady. She promisedrescue whenever they can. Their they would be a two-dog house-love for the Husky breed first led hold. That is until she fell in love athem to Siberian Husky Rescue of second time with another photoFlorida, from whom they adopted posted to the Husky Haven web-Nya 11 years ago. They are current- site. Two weeks later, they werely working with Husky Haven of driving from the Tampa Bay area toFlorida mainly helping with trans- Our cover dogs, Ghost, Nya and Lady. Central Florida to bring Ladyports. Thats where they adopted www.HuskyHavenFL.org home. It was a blessing for us thatLady and Ghost.Lady was our third Husky,To keep some of that Husky energy at bay, Siobhn Siobhn said, If she was our first, we would probably havetakes all three dogs on a five mile run every morning. never adopted another Husky. She is our wild woman! AsYoure never going to totally knock the Husky out of a the most mischievous of the three, Lady is always looking forHusky, said Siobhn, Theyre naughty and super high an opportunity in life. Where most Huskies are catlike, Ladyenergy. And I am completely in love with them. is a cuddler and loves giant hugs. Ghost became the familys second Husky seven years Husky Haven has been an amazing rescue to volun-ago. The family saw his picture posted online, and fell for teer for and adopt from, said Siobhn. U52THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'