b"Background and Mission Growing up in New Jersey with a deep love of smalland large animals, alike, Dr. Morgan knew at the age of 13that shed become a veterinarian. Focused and intent, shewas the valedictorian of her high school class, and went onto obtain two Bachelor of Sciences from Rutgers Universitythen the University of Illinois (19801982) and her Doctorof Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) from the University ofIllinois College of Veterinary Medicine (1984). After years in her small animal clinical practice, sheMedicineSurgeryDentistrybegan expanding her medical skill set with several holistic FIRST EXAMVeterinary Acupuncturecertifications. She is a Certified Veterinary AcupuncturistTraditional Chinese Medicine(C.V.A.)fromtheChiInstituteofTraditionalChinese NEW PATIENTLaser TherapyCryo Therapy VeterinaryMedicine(TCVM)inReddick,Florida, 1 Michael D. Bartholomew DVM, MSTCVMobtainedin2004.SheisalsoaCertifiedVeterinary Christen Woodley DVMChiropractor (C.V.C.P.) and a Certified Veterinary Food $ Jacqui Olson DVM, CCRT, MSTCVMTherapist (C.V.F.T., 2012.) Emma Olson DVMIn 2020, after 36 years of working in her clinical prac- Katherine Restrepo DVMtice, Dr. Morgan semi-retired by transitioning to consult- Elizabeth Fazio DVMing, speaking and educating. She began offering her guid- Sandra Irurueta DVMance on a larger scale. Her mission to empower pet owners, exam/vaccccine Wade Matthews DVMquickly reached a global level. Now hundreds of thousands *For new patient Gregory Todd DVM, CVAlearn how to integrate proactive and holistic methods for wellness exams only.Patrick Hafner DVMtheirdogsandcatsbenefitfromDr.Judyandher Includes physical exam and one vaccine. Does not include 3yr rabies vaccine, integrative medicine, or new patient sick appointments. Must be presented at the time for purchase.Naturally Healthy Pets platform. From clean whole food May not be combined with any other offer. and herbal remedies to reducing chemicals in pets day-to-day lives, Dr. Judy offers demonstrations, easy and conven-ient recipes, step-by-step instructionals, and interviews withcolleagues and specialists in the ever growing scope of holis-tic pet care. While her current mission is to empower pet parents,her passion is still centered around the animals. Dr. Morganis actively involved with Cavalier King Charles Spaniel andEnglish Toy Spaniel rescue groups and serves as the ChiefVeterinary Medical Officer for Monkeys House dog hos-pice and senior sanctuary.Tenacious advocacy on behalf of pet owners is another WE HAVE Aof her major contributions. For years she has brought cru- REWARDS cial data and facts to the surface for her audience. Potentialharms and important clarity on the pet food and pet phar- PROGRAM maceuticalindustrieshas,ineffect,improvedandeven JOIN TODAY AND saved dogs lives! Fellow pet advocate Susan Thixton, of the START SAVING. non-profit TruthAboutPetFood.com, has worked with Dr. Shipping ag availableMorgan closely, helping shed light on pet safety and trans- CALL FOR DETAILS: parency matters in the commercial pet food industry. Susan 904.824.3384describes her revered colleague: Dr. Morgan is a wonderfulvet and a great friend. She's smart, she's determined, she's Saint Augustines premierverycaringandwhatmostpeopledon'tknowisshe's hot spot for cool dogs VERY funny! Dr. Morgan must keep a sense of humor, as and cats o\x1fers:sheredefinesthetermsemi-retired,workingtirelessly Food| Treats & Supplementsntsaround the clock for her causes, advocacy, and mission. Toys & Apparel|Accessories & GiftsThe New Barker had the privilege of connecting with Riverside Cerside Center. . Dr. Judy Morgan to gain some holistic care pointers and 280 SR 312, Saint Augustinebackground to help our Florida Pet Parent readers. Our@ParadisePoochieSaintAugustineinterview is on the following page.Continued on next page gwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 67"