b'Preventive Home CarePreventing disease involves consistent cleaning of tooth daily dental care routines, we can ensure that our dogs leadsurfaces to eliminate plaque buildup. Pet owners should initi- longer and healthier lives. Regular dental checkups and consis-ate care on all dogs.No age is to young or to old. Daily brush- tent home care are key in safeguarding our canine companionsing is considered the best method, but alternative approaches against the risks associated with these issues. Ulike using dental wipes can be utilized if brushing is not wellreceived.Engaginginchewingactivitiesandincorporatingfriendly diets can contribute significantly to maintaining goodoral hygiene. The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) Dr. Hodge (shown here withoffers a seal of approval for products that adhere to standards Cesar and Mr. T) has beenfor controlling plaque and tartar.Check out their website at practicing in the Tampa BayVOHC.ORG. area since 1995 with aRegular Dental Check Ups focus on surgery, internalEarlyinterventionupondetectinginitialsignsofperi- medicine, dermatology,odontaldiseaseisparamount.Regularprofessionalassess- dental wellness, and holis-mentsandcleaningsshouldcommenceby2yearsofage. tic care including acupunc-The frequency of cleanings varies based on factors, including ture. He is the owner/prac-existing conditions and the quality of home care practices. titioner of two practices.Having your dogs teeth cleaned professionally and main- Harbourside Animal Hospitaltaining good oral hygiene at home can play a crucial role in 1112 Channelside Dr., Suite 4, Tampa, FLkeeping your furry friend healthy. The story of Bella and her 813.229.3322www.HarboursideVet.comowner serves as a reminder of how vital dental care is in pre- Cross Creek Animal Medical Centerventing gum disease and its progression to other organs such 10323 Cross Creek Blvd., Ste H., Tampa, FLas the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart and brain.By understanding 813.994.6929www.CrossCreekVet.comthe stages, causes and outcomes of disease and committing to www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 63'