b'A Place as Special as the One in Your HeartMabel Rae Remy and Louie Our silver Labrador never Remy ran our dog bou-met a stranger she didnt tique, Wet Noses, andgive her heart to. She had loved everyone. Louie wasa kind, courageous and easy-going and let Remytruthful soul. Mabel was boss him around. Nothing Pets are part of our family and deserve a special and still is the wind phased him. You both resting place.Thats why we created our beautiful beneath my wings. brought us so much joy, pet cemetery.With shady trees and a scenic Nicole Perez Geller, love and laughter. gazebo, it offers you the same opportunities to Tampa, FL Chris Baer, Sarasota, FL express your love as a human cemetery does.PenelopeShe was a wonderful dog, \x11\x17\x15\x10\x00#URLEW\x002OAD\x00s\x000ALM\x00(ARBOR\x00s\x00727.789.2000filled with so much love, joy, #URLEW(ILLS\x0eCOM\x00s\x00#URLEW(ILLS0ET#EMETERY\x0eCOMand bossiness. Penelopewas a working model whodid some work for HeritageVillage in Largo. She is sur-vived by her brothers,Boris, Desmond, Seamusand Yoshiko, and her sis-ters, Sophie, Addie andOlivia. Shantelle Morgan,St. PetersburgTiger LillyTiger Lilly was a remarkableGreat Dane who not onlysurvived parvo but was alsoborn deaf and partially blindas a double merle. Despiteher challenges, she lived sixhappy years with the ownerof Dog Bar until she lost herbattle to wobblers disease.Her strength and resiliencehave left an indelible markon us. Stephanie Marble,St. Petersburgwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 73'