b'The Last Will and Testamentof an ExtremelyDistinguished Dogby Eugene ONeillI, Silverdene Emblem ONeill, familiarly known as Blemie, bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat,haveonelastearnestrequesttomake. Ihaveheardmy made to order in 1929 at Hermes in Paris. He can never wearMistress say, When Blemie dies we must never have another themwiththedistinctionIdid,walkingaroundthePlacedog. I love him so much I could never love another one. Now Vendome, or later along Park Avenue, all eyes fixed on me inI would ask her, for love of me, to have another. It would be a admiration; but again I am sure he will do his utmost not topoor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again. What I appear a mere gauche provincial dog. would like to feel is that, having once had me in the family, now And for all his faults, I hereby wish him the happiness Ishe cannot live without a dog.know will be his in my old home.Some dogs, of course, are better than others. Dalmatians, Onelastwordoffarewell,DearMasterandMistress.naturally, as everyone knows, are best. So I suggest a Dalmatian Whenever you visit my grave, say to yourselves with regret butas my successor. He can hardly be as well bred or as well man- also with happiness in your hearts at the remembrance of mynered or as distinguished and handsome as I was in my prime. long happy life with you: Here lies one who lovedus andMy Master and Mistress must not ask the impossible. But he whom we loved. No matter how deep my sleep, I shall hearwill do his best, I am sure, and even his inevitable defects will you, and not all the power of death can keep my spirit fromhelpbycomparisontokeepmymemorygreen.TohimI wagging a grateful tail.*DaisyMonty Bailey TezYou were my little super Bella (left) and Monty (right) Shes been gone more than Losing you is like losing astar. You helped me through enjoyed their walks and dis- a year, now, and we still piece of my heart that onlyso much, and put smiles on coveries around Winter miss her so much. She was you can fill. Tez, you will beeveryones face you ever Park, aka Sniffaris. Monty, with us for 16 years, 24/7. in my heart forever. I willmet. I know you waited for you left this Earth on August Bailey went everywhere with never let go of yourme to come home before 13, 2024. You were my us. There will never be memory, and still, Illyou took your last breath in best friend ever. another Bailey.miss you every day.my arms. Andrea Smith, Suzie Williams Archibald, Lynn Colombo,Madi Sparks, Tampa, FL Winter Park, FL Tampa, FL Holiday, FLeOur memorials are sponsored by Curlew Hills Memory Gardens Pet Cemetery, Palm Harbor, FL andNatures Pet Loss Aquamation, Brooksville, FLPlease see their ads on page 73*An excerpt of the eulogy, written by American playwright Eugene ONeill to console his wife Carlotta, before the death of their Dalmatian Blemie.72THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'