b'Traveling OverseasWith Your Dog?Dont Navigate Alone. GOING BROKEAir Animal Pet Movers has always been As your local independent pet supply store in Lakeland, weve brought in quality fresh food and gently-cooked food themosttrustedservicetousewhen options at more a\x1fordable prices than you will nd in big travelingwithyourpetsaroundthe box stores. Stop in and let us show you how to change up globewhether its a vacation, business your dogs diet. We promise it will be worth your time.trip,oramovetoanothercountry.Theyve been helping pet parents withtheir travel plans since 1977 from theirTampa, Florida headquarters.Now, more than ever, it is impor-tant to have a company that knows thetravel rules and regulations for leavingtheUnitedStatesandreturning.EffectiveAugust1,2024,theCDC,USDA andU.S.Customshavetight-ened regulations for dogs entering theUnitedStates.Failuretocomplywillresult in pets either being returned orplacedinextendedquarantineatthecustomersexpense.Theregulationsapplytoeveryone,includingexpats 863.683.6220|www.thedoggiebag.boutiqueand military. 1702 E. Edgewood Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803Cassie and Sir Meatball@cassie.aranIt was so cool to be able to bringmy dog to three different countries inEurope, wrote Cassie Aran. I wouldhave never been able to figure out thepaperworkwithoutthehelpofAirAnimalPetMovers.Theysavedthe day.UFor pet moving tips and to get a quote,visit www.AirAnimal.com or call1.800.635.3448www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 21'