b'Things to Consider Before Adding a NewFour-Legged Member to the Familyby Alexandra Barstow; Edited by Carla Barstow, DVM, MS, DACTHaveyoubeenthinkingofaddinga breed is best for you, going about find- practicesandhaveagoodreputation.furry friend to your household? Before ing a breeder thats ethical and humane Reach out to a Theriogenologist (board-taking the plunge, a consultation with is the key to success for the future of you ed reproductive veterinarian) to ask foryour veterinarian could be the start of a and your new best buddy. Responsible recommendations on good breeders inlife full of wagging tails and joyful com- breeders prioritize the health and well- your area.Look for reviews and testi-panionship. To make sure you are per- being of the animals, reducing the risk monialsfrompreviousbuyers,andfectly ready for that full-time commit- of hereditary diseases and genetic disor- check if the breeder is affiliated with rec-mentofownership,vetscandemon- derscommonlyfoundinpoorlybred ognized breed clubs or organizations. stratetheresponsibilitiesinvolvedin animals, like those found in pet stores. Continued on next page gowning a four-legged friend. Most vet- Puppies sold in pet stores are not genet-erinarians will offer insights into differ- ically-tested, and their parental origins A Young Man and His Dogent obstacles you might encounter while are an unknown factor. Through carefulowning an animal. selection of breeding pairs, breeders aimFor example, behavioral issues can to maintain and improve desirable traitsaffectarelationshipbetweenyouand suchastheanimalstemperament,yourcompanion.Yourvetcanoffer behavior and trainability, ensuring thatinformationonthetemperamentand future generations are well-adjusted andbehavior of certain breeds to help you suitable as pets.find the perfect fit for your household Responsible breeders also make suredynamic. If a partner or family member their puppies have the proper socializa-has any allergies to certain animals, your tionandenrichmentfortheirneeds,vetcanhelpyoufindhypoallergenic promotingpositivewelfarestandardsbreeds and discuss ways to manage ani- and ensuring that breeding practices aremal-relatedhypersensitivities.Yourvet humaneandethical.Correctbreedingcan advise you on nutritional balances contributestothepreservationofdis-for your pet, making sure they get what tinctbreeds,maintainingtheiruniquethey need to stay happy. characteristics, traits, and historical sig-Training can seem scary to first time nificanceforfuturegenerationstoowners,butaprofessionalwillguide appreciateandenjoy.Breedersshould We met Nick Corsberg and his Scottishyoutoexperiencedanimaltrainersto educatepotentialownersaboutthe Terrier, Bobby, during the 2019make sure your furry friend gets the best responsibilitiesofpetownership, Strawberry Cluster Dog Show intreatment.Yourvetwillrecommend including proper care and commitment, Lakeland. His family had driven fromguidelinesonwhatsbestforyour setting a positive example for responsi- Gainesville to show Bobby. Nick showedlifestyle, whether youre an active person ble pet ownership practices. such dedication to his dog, that he was awho needs a jogging buddy or a stay-at- Byprioritizinghealthscreenings, delight to watch in the ring, and speakhome party animal. genetictesting,andsoundbreeding with afterwards.A lot of people stress about the cost- practices,responsiblebreederscon- I did well, today. But, we didntlinessattachedtoanimals.Avetcan tribute to the long-term health and sus- place, Nick said, matter-of-factly. If heoutlinethefinancialsituationneeded tainabilityofspecificbreeds,reducing was disappointed, the poised and politefor your pet, including routine care, vac- theprevalenceofhereditaryhealth young man revealed no trace of it on hiscinations, potential medical procedures, issues and promoting longevity.face or in his mannerisms. The one com-and other expenses that may be neces- Theprocessofworkingwitha mon trait observed in these kids, whosary in the future. Consulting a vet can breedertypicallyinvolvesseveralkey competitively show dogs, is their abilityhelpyoumakeawell-informeddeci- stepstoensureyougetahealthyand to be both confident and humble at thesion, contributing to a healthier life for well-adjusted pet. same time. That, and they are soboth you and your new pet.Startbyresearchingbreederswho conversationally fun. Onceyouhavedeterminedwhat arewell-knownfortheirtrustworthy64 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'