b'Thanks to Bailey Hope Turner, shown with Dr. Judy Morgan, The New Barker wasrepresented during the 2023 Naturally Healthy Pet Experience Event in the Tampa Bay Area.1) TNB Question: Your goal is to and sourced products. change the lives of pets by educating and l Start with a gently cookedempowering their owners in the use of commercialdiet;thiscanbenaturalhealingtherapies.Whatthree followed by moving to a completesimple things can a pet parent do to start raw diet if the owner wants toimproving the health and well-being of move to raw. their dogs? l If they want to make the food,Dr. Judy Answer:it is critical to learn how toThree things to improve health include the necessary vitamins andand longevity:minerals.1) Give the minimum vaccinesyour dog needs based on their 3) TNB Question: Dr. Morgan,lifestyle rather than following a your love of the Cavalier King Charlesone-size-fits all protocol.Spanieliswell-knownamongyour2) Stop using chemical pesticides audience.Whatwasthecatalystforon and around your dogs. Use yourin-depthexaminationintodognatural cleaning products in diet?Wasitsomethinginparticularyour home.with your own dogs, or was it some-3) Feed a whole-food, thing you were faced with during yourspecies-appropriate diet.time as a practicing veterinarian?Dr. Judy Answer: When I started2) TNB Question: A dog parent studying Traditional Chinese Veterinaryisconsideringchangingtheirdogs MedicineIdiscoveredthepowerofdiet, but is overwhelmed as to where to usingfoodasmedicine.Thefourstart. What is the easiest first step to branchesofChinesemedicinearetake to improve a dogs diet?acupuncture, herbs, Tui Na, and foodDr. Judy Answer:therapy.Istartedlookingatthel Start by adding fresh food mainstreamdietsrecommendedbytoppers to the current dietthis veterinariansandbigpetfoodmight include baked meats or companies and I was appalled at whatsteamed vegetables, fresh berries, is allowed to go into pet food. I wroteor eggs.my Yin & Yang Nutrition for Dogs bookl Many high-quality commercial because I was seeing so many patientsdiets are on the market, made with withdifferentproblemsthatwhole foods, including organic, IneededahandyreferencetoGMO-free, and humanely raised give clients.68 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'