b'In February of 2001, Carey and I effect on almost everyone he met). Likeformedgreyhoundprotectiongroup Kelsey, he was carrying a message.GREY2KUSA,withthemissionof Andsobeganthecampaignofendingdogracingnationwide.I #RescueBrooklyn,whichresultedinworked by day in our basement office the 2018 closure of the worst dog trackand went to the New England School intheworld.Ittookyears,buthisof Law each nightso that when we storyofsurvivalandthesuccessfulreturned to the ballot in 2008, I was airliftofover500survivingdogstoabletodraftthemeasuremyself. waitingadoptersaroundtheworld,Thankfully,thistimethequestion sparkedandinspiredwhathasnowpassed. Citizens in 12 of 14 counties becomeaninternationalmovementwent to the polls and voted to protect to stop dog racing.dogs. The greyhounds had won! Our recent Greyhounds AroundtheGlobeconferenceinEdinburghwas attended by lawmakers, advocatesand educators from ten countries, eachoneofthemdeterminedtogivegreyhoundsthesecondchancetheydeserve. Measures to outlaw dog racingare now progressing through both theScottishandWelshParliaments.Equally,morethan100,000peoplesigned a petition to Westminster andnewsurveysshowthat74%ofNewZealandersand57%ofAustraliansagree that it is time to give the dogsa break.Brooklyn flew to the United StatesBrooklyn in his cage at the Canidrome. and came home to me and Carey onWithin days of the Massachusetts ValentinesDay2019.Wehadthreevictory,awhiteandbrownspotted beautiful years together, during whichgreyhoundwasborninNewSouth timewelearnedtheimportanceofWales,Australia.Hisnamewas patienceandforgiveness.OurpoorBrooklyn and after failing as a pup, he boywasdiagnosedwithbonecancerhad been shipped off to race at the only within days of his arrival and his frontlegal dog track in China. He was kept leg had to be amputated. But he camein a barren concrete cage with metal out of surgery smiling and happy, andbars on the door. He didnt even have a ready to begin his new life. He neverbed to rest on. Poor Brooklyn was a gave up, and we never gave up on him.prisoner who had committed no crime. ItismyhopethatthebookWhen our board member Charmaine Brooklyn Goes Home will show readersvisited the track in 2011, she took his thatgreatchallengesmaybringevenpictureanddocumentedtheterrible greateropportunities.AsKelseyandabusevisitedonthedogs.Shecon- Brooklynwouldsay,weneedonlyfirmedthattherewasnoadoption believe in ourselves. Uprogram at the Yat Yuen Canidrome at Brooklyn Goes Homeall, meaning that every dog who went The Rise and Fall of Americanthere,diedthereatotalof400 Greyhound Racingand theeach year. Dog that Inspired a MovementTherewassomethingmagical by Carey M. Theil & Christine A. Dorchak about Brooklyn in particular. His eyes Foreword by Dr. Jane Goodallweremesmerizinganddeep,likeno 224 pages40 color photographsotherdogIhadeverseenbefore.(I www.GREY2KUSA.orgwould learn later that he had the samewww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 47'