b'Sarah Brandon poses with Storm (ID#A2033469) who is still available for adoption.We are not a pure country, oronethatvaluespurity,wroteTom Junod in a 2014 article thatappeared in Esquire.We are aMyth: You never know countryofadoption,awhat youre getting with a countryofrescues,ashelter dog. Reality: Pedigree country of mutts. At leastthatshowweliketoand papers dont make the pet. thinkofourselves.ButOftentimes, puppies purchased wearealsoacountrythat likes to create idyllsfrom a puppy-mill sourced ofitsowngoodinten-store have more health issues tionsandthenpenalizethan shelter pets.whatdoesntfit.PitBullsdontfit.Everythingthemediaandhatersconvenientlyomitwhenmakingtheirpointabout this group of dogs: Pit Bulls,when responsibly owned, are serv-icedogs,disc-catchingchamps,companionstochildrenandtheelderly.Theyarecomedians,athletes,dinnerdates,runningpartners,andgoodold-fashionedfamily dogs. LikethedancerswithAzaraBallet, we must learn to accept dogsas individuals. U28 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'