b'The Puppy Perksof Following@TheNewBarkerDogMagazineH ippo is a French Bull Dog and pit bull typemix. Hes a dog-about-town, charming theladies with his gentle demeanor and fashionsense. Thanks to his social media acumen, Hippo follows@TheNewBarkerDogMagazine on Instagram, and won hishuman, Paige Speckhart, a three-day, two-night stay at theTradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort on St. Pete Beach. The nice thing about the dog-friendly resort is howself-contained it is with all the amenitiesfrom food toshopping to entertainment and relaxationall on-site.Situated on 40 beachfrontacres, there are 13 restau-rants, bars and lounges,nine pools and 550cabanas. There is a three-story waterslide, a floatingocean water park and33,500 gallon aquarium.They offer pet-friendlyrooms and villas. There is afenced-in leash-free PetPlay Zone, complete withdoggie drinking fountainand plenty of photo opsset up. Walk along the des-ignated dog walking zonealong the propertys mean-dering waterway. Be sureto chill with your dog in abeachside hammock. Theresort has thought ofeverything, including adoggie accessory centerequipped with bowls,leashes, toys, and towels,and a rinse and drying sta-tion for quick washes.Special thanks to theTradeWinds Island GrandBeach Resort for your continued partnership withThe New Barker. And thank you to fans like Hippoand Paige for your support.UTradeWinds Resort6000 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach727.360.5551www.TradeWindsResort.com@TradeWinds_Resort on Instagram@HippoTheFrenchPitwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 71'