b'O\x1f\x1e #1 \x1dI\x1c \x1bO\x1a H\x1f\x1e\x19\x18\x17\x16N\x15 S\x15\x16\x14\x13\x12:B\x15 P\x11\x10\x0f\x0e\x11\x10DWhether plans include staying home, or youre in an evacuation zone, were your one-stop pet supply resource for storm prep. Let us help you put together the necessary supplies to keep your pets safe.CARRIERS & CRATES SPOTLITWe have a large selection, including this colorful lightweightCOLLAR LIGHTline. Available in small, medium, large, and extra large.Colorful, clippable collar light keeps your pet seen and (DV\\\x03DVVHPEO\\\x11\x036HFXUH\x11\x032SWLPDO\x03YHQWLODWLRQ\x03DLU\x03RZ\x11\x037UHDW\x03 safe in the dark.compartment with food and water bowl. Suitable for cats.LICKIMATDesigned to enrich your dogs environment and promote calm behavior.EARTHBORNE WIPES Its always good to have these LQ\x03\\RXU\x03VWRUP\x03DQG\x12RU\x03UVW\x03DLG\x03kit to safely and easily wipe away dirt and odor, dander, and drool.very on Monday - Saturday. STORM SUPPLIES SPECIALer by 10am for same-day delivery. 20% Off + $5.00 of20% Of+ $5.00 off with your purchase of $30 or morchase of $30 or more before tax.* Just photograph this ad, and and show it to us on your phone.Pandoras C Cat A Adoption R Room *Does not include Frontline, Advantage, Sor Soresto, or Capstarr. .se visit o our on-site adoptable ke k kittensCannot be combined with any other off other offferer cats from Pet Pal Animal Shelter.CONVENIENT ST SELF-SERVE DE DOG W WASH CO1830 60 61st A Avenue Nue N., St, St. PetersburgMAKING A DIFFERENCE IE IN ANIMALS LIVES SINCE 1991.Town Plaza Shopping Center (18th St. and 62nd Ave. N.)Independently Owned & Operated 727.521.6191 | www.PetFoodStPete.com|'