b'The couple were so enthusiastic with their dogs loveforsurfing,theycreatedandorganizedHangDog8,acharitableeventfeaturingsurfingdogs.ThispastMay,nearly30dogsfromalloverthestatecompetedinthesecond annual event. The area where the event took placeis within a part of the beach where dogs are typically notallowed. For this event, the city granted an exception sinceits where all surfing contests take place for people, andnow, for dogs. Officials estimated around 2,000 people attended theevent which included a doggie costume contest, an awardsceremonyafterthesurfingcompetition,andanAfterPawtyattheGoodTimesDogBar. Proceedswere NEW CLIENT OFFERdonatedtoK9sForWarriors, headquarteredinPonte TZW\x05UJYX\x05WXY\x05J]FR\x05NX\x05FREE*Vedra, SMART Animal Rescue and the Flagler CountyHumane Society. Did you know that routine veterinary visits may help prevent Weighing only eight pounds, Wednesday is actually at a condition from becoming serious? Early detection also adisadvantageoverthelargerdogswhosurf.Cooley leads to proper treatment and management.explained that larger dogs surf, whereas smaller dogs, like SERVICES WE OFFERWednesday, are holding on for the ride.UltrasoundIn-house DiagnosticsX-RayDentistrySurgeryWellness ExamsTiter TestingFor a dog of Wednesdays size and weight, the control VaccinationsLaser Therapyisnt there, said Cooley. During the Hang 8 competition,the couple tries to match the small surfer dogs with small 727.317.2706waves. We call them Chihuahua waves, said Johnston. A regular three-foot wave for a bigger dog isnt a bigdeal, added Cooley. But for a Chihuahua, thats a tsunami.Wednesdays true happy place is in someones arms.She loves to be held and squeezed, said Johnston. I thinkthe perfect place for Wednesday would be in a kindergartenclassfullofkids.Chihuahuastypicallydontlikekids.Wednesday loves them. She just looks at you with those bigbrown eyes and seems to be saying thank you. Wednesdaymust have been a Labrador Retriever in another life. UThe 2023 event raised$2,487 for the FlaglerHumane Society,MedicineSurgeryDentistry$2,487 for K9s for FIRST EXAMVeterinary AcupunctureWarriors, andTraditional Chinese MedicineNEW PATIENTLaser TherapyCryo Therapy Hang 8 Dog Surfing$2,487 for SMART1 Michael D. Bartholomew DVM, MSTCVMSaving Missing AnimalsResponse Team. $ Christen Woodley DVMJacqui Olson DVM, CCRT, MSTCVMEmma Olson DVMKatherine Restrepo DVMElizabeth Fazio DVMSandra Irurueta DVM@hang8dogsurfing on exam/vaccccine Wade Matthews DVMFacebook and Instagram Gregory Todd DVM, CVA*For new patientSMART www.SmartFlagler.com wellness exams only.Patrick Hafner DVMFlagler Humane SocietyIncludes physical exam and one vaccine. Does not include 3yr rabies vaccine, integrative medicine, or new patient sick appointments. Must be presented at the time for purchase.www.FlaglerHumaneSociety.org May not be combined with any other offer. K9s For Warriorswww.K9sForWarriors.orgwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 73'