b'Hiredtocoverdogsportingevents,Robinson does not charge for his serv-ices. He accepts donations either fromA Marketet theeventorganizersand/orthroughA M competitors who would like copies oftheirdogs,extraordinarilypho-Like No Other tographedbyRobinson.Amonghise No O bigger picture goals for Bad Azz Dogz,Robinson is working with the VAto2nd Annual create and host the Disabled VeteransSports Dog Competitions. He has alsoFall Fl Furball Fl Frenzy been working with many of the dockMarket Ft Fundraiser diving venues across the state to con-Sun, November 52023|10a-3p vince them to incorporate wheelchairaccessibilityforcompetitors.OneofHeroes Paradise733 Knowles Rd., Brandon theissuestheyrefacing,shouldtheySpread out over 8 acres of gorgeous land consider ramps or wheelchair lifts?80-100 vendors including food trucks Inthemeantime,RobinsonhasRescue groups convincedfourFloridadockdivingwith adoptable pets venuestohaverestroomsorspecialLots and lots mobileporta-pottysavailablewithof holiday shopping wheelchair and mobility needs. Thosevenues are Ocala Dog Ranch, CentralWere ae a accepeptining vg vendordors Florida K-9, Tracks K9 Club and soonPlease email events@communitypetproject.org Florida K9 Sports.There is a secondary but equallyimportant purpose in Robinsons life.He believesthat an active dog family isinvestedintheircaninecompanion,OUR MOST IMPORTANTcreating a forever dog home. We wantto be part of the solution to the num-EVENT OF THE YEAR ber of dogs being surrendered to shel-ters,saidRobinson.Whenyouseethe bond between a dog and his ownerparticipatingatoneofthecaninesporting events, its pretty magical. UNow, more e than ethan everr, ourr rescue group needs the support o Y Robs Motto for Bad Azz Dogz:escue group needs the support of Doxie loDoxie lovers eers everywhererywhere e to cto conontinue ourtinue our work. Entertain. Educate. Engage.SATURDAY, , NOVEMBER 4, 20234, 2023 Sun-N-Fun Eun Evenent Pt PavilionSun-N-F If youd like to help Rob Robinson4175 Medullaedulla R Road, Lakoad, Lakeland, Feland, Fl. 4175 M , RAIN OR SHINE WHYWHY: and Bad Azz Dogz with their efforts,10 A.M. to 3 P.M., RAIN OR SHINE visit www.badazzdogz.net and/orTO RAISE FUNDS FOR DARE give him a call at 813.606.6706Featuring the famous Wiener Dog Races, hosted by Tampa Bay Fox 13. Rob may also be reached for moreSPONSORSHIP && VENDOR OPPORTUNITIES information and/or bookings atAVAILABLE NOW. info@badazzdogz.netPlease conontact Dtact DARE PARE Presidenesident Aliciaa Duv Du Duvalal Instagram - @badazzdogzPlease c813.220.3876 oror alicia@daretorescue.org813.220 alicia@daretorescue.orgalicia@daretorescue.orgFacebook - @badazzdogzDAP@daretorescue.org www.DareeToRescue.org AP@daretorescue.org| AP@ | www62THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'