b"Itisalsoimportanttotakepreventativemeasuresto Preventing heartworm disease through monthly preventa-reduce the number of mosquitoes in and around your home. tives and reducing the number of mosquitoes in and aroundThiscanincludeusingmosquitorepellent yourhomeisthebestcourseofaction.products, eliminating standing water sources Combiningconventionalandholisticpre-wheremosquitoesbreed,andkeepingyour ventatives can help support your dogs healthdogindoorsduringpeakmosquitoactivity and reduce the risk of heartworm disease.times. As pet lovers, it is our responsibility toHolistic preventatives can also be used in takecareofourfurryfriendsandprotectconjunction with conventional preventatives. themfrompreventablediseaseslikeThesemayincludenaturalmosquitorepel- heartworm. By staying informed and takinglents, such as neem oil or essential oils, and a preventative measures, we can ensure that ourhealthy diet and exercise regimen to support dogs live long, healthy, and happy lives. Uyour dog's immune system and overall health.Inconclusion,heartwormdiseaseisa Dr. Hodge (shown here with Cesar and Mr. T)serious health issue that can affect dogs of all has been practicing in the Tampa Bay areaages and breeds. However, with early detec- since 1995 with a focus on surgery, internaltion, proper treatment, and preventative measures, heartworm medicine, dermatology, and holistic care including acupuncture.disease can be successfully managed and prevented. He is the owner/practitioner of two practices.Conventional treatments, such as injections and medica- Harbourside Animal Hospitaltion are effective in treating heartworm disease, but these can 1112 Channelside Dr., Ste 4, Tampa, FLhavesideeffectsandbeverycostly.Itisgenerallyless 813.229.3322www.HarboursideVet.comexpensive to use preventatives for the entire life of the pet as Cross Creek Animal Medical Centercompared to the cost of treatment.Holistic treatments, such 10323 Cross Creek Blvd., Ste H., Tampa, FLasacupunctureandherbalmedicine,mayalsobeusedin 813.994.6929www.CrossCreekVet.comconjunctionwithconventionaltreatmentstosupportyourdogs immune system and overall health.Let's Ditch the ItchThe constant it itching, s, scraratching, l, licking, and chewing cag can be a nn b be a nightmare fe for yr you and your dog. W. With ph proper dr diagnososis os of what is causing tg the ie itch, w, we cae can hn help yp you help your d dog g llive a he a h a happy, i, itch-free lee life. Call for your ar appointment tt today.Triggers include: Don't forget your pet's Don't forget your pet's Fleas, environmental allergens, monthly preventives.food and skin contact with allergens monthly preventives. TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOUHarbourside Animal Hospital Cross Creek Animal Medical Centre1112 Channelside Drive, Tampa 10323 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa813.229.3322 | HarbourSideVet.com 813.994.6929 | CrossCreekVet.comwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 75"