b'realitysoundbites.Keeping Pets Safe and Families TogetherThankstoPurinasPurpleLeashProjectandPetSmart Pets and Domestic Violence:Charities,RedRover hasreachedamilestonebyawarding nAs many as 71% of pet-owning women entering DV shelters$572,502 in Safe Housing grants to domestic violence (DV) reported their abuser injured, killed, or threatened family pets.shelters. The grants will help the shelters overcome barriers to (F.R. Ascione)creating pet-friendly spaces, enabling even more survivors and nUp to 48% of DV victims reported delaying leaving an abusertheir pets to escape abuse. for fear of what would happen if they left their pets behind.(F.R. Ascione)n91% of survivors indicated their pets emotional support andphysical protection are significant in their ability to surviveand heal.nCurrently, only 17% of DV shelters nationwide are petfriendly (pet friendly means shelters can accept companionanimals/pets, in addition to service and emotionalsupport animals).Red Rover, founded in 1987, focuses on bringing animalsout of crisis through emergency sheltering, disaster relief serv-ices,financialassistance,andeducation.Since2012,The money can be used to build or renovate spaces dedi- RedRover has awarded 197 grants to DV shelters in 46 states,cated to housing survivors pets, to create a foster program, to totalingmorethan$3.6millionandprovidingmorethanpayfortemporaryboarding,orforacombinationofthe 443,000 safe nights for pets. Additionally, Safe Housing grantsservices. Funds may also go toward routine veterinary care, have created the first pet-friendly domestic violence shelter in10states.RedRoverhasa4-starratingfromCharityemergency veterinary care, and pet deposits. Navigator, Americas largest independent charity evaluator. U \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03This round of grants went to 11 domestic violence shel-ters across the country, including two in Florida: Sunrise ofPasco County, Inc. andPeace River Center for Personal Y To learn more about RedRovers Safe Housing grants:Development, Inc. in Polk County. Each of these two shelters www.redrover.org/relief-dv/dv-safe-housing-grants/received $60,000.17% of DV shelters nationwide are pet To join the Pet-Friendly Movement and learn more about the \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03Currently, only25by2025 project visit www.25by2025.orgfriendly, meaning those DV shelters accept companion animalsin addition to service and emotional support animals. RedRover For a list of domestic violence shelters by state that accept pets:just launched its 25x2025 campaign to promote making 25% www.saftprogram.org/pet-friendly-domestic-violence-shelters/of DV shelters in the country pet friendly by 2025. \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03\x03 \x03 \x03 \x03A Most Adorable PartnershipWe met Franklin the Schnauzer several years ago during the \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03annual Dog Agility Competition of Florida (DACOF) held atthe Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, Florida. He was magnif-icent.WehavenevermetNaomi,buthavesoenjoyed \x03 \x03 \x03watching her grow up over the last few years on the Facebookpage of her familys business, ARTpool Gallery & Vintage \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03Boutique. Together in adorable photographs, the pair show-casessomeoftheGallerysfunitemsforsale.Theshop,housed in a restored 1937 storefront on Central Avenue, was \x03 \x03 \x03 \x03recently featured in Southern Livings top must-see spots inSt. Petersburg. They have been part of the Tampa Bay area artcommunity since 2008. If you need a daily smile, followARTPoolGalleryonsocialmedia. Theycertainlyareabright spot in our day. Facebook @ArtPool and Instagram@ArtPoolGallery U16THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'