b'realitysoundbites.Updates From Humane In Memory of a Gentle GreyhoundSociety of Pinellas ThroughGREY2KUSA,welearnedthataveryspecialTheHumaneSociety Greyhound passed away this summer. Gina was twelve yearsofPinellas recently old when she died from a fast-moving cancer to the spine.announced that David She was born in Texas in 2010 and raced nearly 200 times atPaloff has been appoint- Derby Lane in St. Petersburg, Florida. Through the efforts ofed thesheltersnew the National Greyhound Adoption Program of Philadelphia,CEO.Hehasbeen she found a new home and lived with Christine A. Dorchakwiththesheltersince and Carey M. Theil for eight years.June2020asthe To find a retired racing Greyhound companion, visitDirector of Operations www.grey2kusa.org/action/adopt.php UandmostrecentlyservedastheinterimCEO.PaloffwasProjectManagerwithHillsboroughCountyFire/Rescue before going to work for the shelter. Prior to that, heservedasAssistantDirectorforPascoCountyGovermentsAnimal Services department.Gracie Grieshop Topp has been appointed as the sheltersnewCorporateGiving& CommunityPartnershipsManager.ManyalreadyknowGracie and the work shedid for Pet Pal AnimalShelter as their Director Driving Down the Number ofofMarketingfor12 Unaltered Homelessyears. She is also a musi-cianandsinger/song- Dogs and Cats in Floridawriter. Youhaveprobablyseenthelicenseplates,butmayhaveConstructionofthe shelters new adop- thoughttheywerejustanothervanityplate.TheFloridation center is underway Animal Friend license plate directly contributes to a grant thatwith an ETA for open- helps fund spay/neuter surgeries. The non-profit gives grantPhoto by Dog Breath Photography ing in 2024. U money to deserving nonprofit organizations that provide freeHumane Society of Pinellas orlow-costspayand3040 SR 590, Clearwater, FL 33759 neuter services, helping to727.797.7722www.humanesocietyofpinellas.org combatpetoverpopula-tioninFlorida.Theirgrantscanreachupto$25,000 per organization.Last year, thanks to gener-ous donations and licenseplate sales, Florida AnimalFriend granted a total of$702,500 to 36 organizations across the state. Each time aspay/neuterspecialtylicenseplateispurchased,FloridaAnimal Friend receives $25. They also receive the $25 eachtime a plate is replaced or renewed.AccordingtoGreaterGoodCharities,thereareanestimated 71.6 million stray cats and dogs in the UnitedStates. Our shelters are overwhelmed and unable to accom-modate them all. Spaying and neutering is a vital first step tosignificantly reduce the number of homeless animals.TopurchaseaplateordonatetoFloridaAnimalFriend visit www.FloridaAnimalFriend.org U14THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'