b'Bakiss writing is so descriptive that Brooklyn Goes Homeif it ever makes it to the big screen, it by Christine A. Dorchak and Carey M. Theilwill be a difficult film to watch. Think Published by Lantern PublishingThe Island of Dr. Moreau," the 1996 November 2023science fiction horror film based on the As dog lovers, we are aware of the unique powerH.G.Wells1896novelofthesame dogs have to help improve our lives. They also havename. the power to affect change in animal abuse laws.This,fromthebookscoverflap, Brooklyn Goes Home is the true story of how oneKirsten Bakiss riveting exploration of Greyhound sparked a movement to close the worstthe permeable boundaries of the human dog track in the world. It is the story of the rise andand animal worlds promises to be the fall of commercial Greyhound racing in the Unitedmostarrestingandbrilliantfictional States and an account of how one small non-profitdebut of 1997a weird and haunting emerged to make an impact. It is also a remem-parable for our times. brance of Brooklyn, whose life signaled not onlyWhen the novel was first published, the end of greyhound racing in the United States,itwastranslatedintomultiplelan- but also the emergence of the first successful move-guqges,adpatedforthestage,and ment to outlaw an animal abuse industry that was powerful, culturally reso-includedontheNewYorkTimes nant, and economically significant.NotableBookslist.Italsobecamea This history is based on the memories and reflections of Christinefinalist for the Orange Prize for Fiction Dorchak and Carey Theil and describes twenty years of working together toandwontheBramStokerAwardfor help greyhounds. The two grew up more than a decade apart, on alternateFirstNovel.Whenitwasreissued20 coasts, one raised very traditionally and the other quite liberally. One an ani-years later in 2017, Jeff VanderMeer of mal loving Jersey Girl turned lawyer, the other a poet and chess masterThe Atlantic wrote, The novel makes turned political strategist. This Yin and Yang turned out to be a curious bal-you think even as it traps you in its sur- ance of opposites that is perhaps the reason that the organization survived andreal, fictive dream. U then succeeded against very great odds. UPractically Perfect in Every Way*Photograph byLaura Allen StudiosFULL GROOMING SALONAll-natural productsMore than 40 years experienceState-of-the-art equipment Relaxing, safe and comfortableNo\x1f o CO2 Hydrotherap\x1f o offering1153 Main Street, Dunedin|727.736.2468|PetStylesByJennifer.comwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 49'