b'That banner gave me even more inspiration tochange the law, said Dahlia. She believes Chocolatehas been her guiding light all along, even in death. Ihave her spirit next to me, always, Dahlia said.As we finished our interview with Dahlia, a billthatwouldeliminatebreed-specificlegislationinMiami-DadeCountyandthecityofSunriseinBrowardCountywasawaitingthesignatureofGovernor Ron DeSantis. Senate Bill 942 (SB 942)passedunanimouslyintheFloridaHouseofRepresentatives.TheGovernorsignedthebillonFriday, June 16, 2023. Lets not allow baseless barri-ers in government housing to contribute to this crisisany longer, said one of the bill sponsors, RepublicanRep. Demi Busatta Cabrera of Miami. The law will gointo effect on October 1, 2023.I definitely want to give credit to the many peo-plewhohavesupportedsuchchangesince2012,including former Miami-Dade County commissionersSally Heyman and Jose Pepe Diaz, who is now mayorofSweetwater,Florida;alsoMayorDaniellaLevineCava, Dahlia said. There also are so many support-ers at Miami-Dade Animal Services, including Chief ofLegislative Affairs and Communications Gilda Nuez,and Director Bronwyn Stanford.** Thank you to BestFriendsAnimalSociety,specificallyLegislativeAttorney Kelsey Gilmore-Futeral, and Kate MacFallwith Humane Society of the United States.Dahlia will continue to fight for the underdog,and those people whose dogs have been confiscateddue to BSL across the country. She wants to work forThe Goodwin Firm, P.A.an end to breed-specific bans across the United States,The Goodwin Firm, P.A. The Goodwin Firm, P and work to pass federal legislation, so dogs will beApril S. Goodwin, Esq. judged on behavior and history, rather than breed.April S. Goodwin, Esq.Andrew J. Silvers, EsqThis is what Ill be doing until the day I drop dead,Andrew J. Silvers, Esq Pet Rights AttorneyLargo, FLshe said.Pet Rights AttorneyLargo, FLDahlia credits her parents, Rafael and CarmenCanes, and her grandmother Emilia for her strength,ASSISTING PET OWNERS & PETcharacter and encouragement to follow her convic-BUSINESSES WITH THEIR tions.Andofcourse,mydogs,pastandpresent.Withoutthem,IwouldnothavelearnedthetrueUNIQUE LEGAL NEEDS. meaning of dignity and compassion. I owe them allmy life. U*This feature storys headline is a quote by Nelson Mandela.t**Bronwyn Stanford is currently on administrative leave from Miami-Contact us:727.316.5333 Dade Animal Services.On October 1, the Miami Coalition Against BreedWWW.GOODWIN\x1fFIRM.COM Y Specific Legislation will celebrate the officialelimination of BSL in Miami-Dade during theirannual PIT-Nic event from 10a-4p. It will be held atAmelia Earhart Park Corporate Pavilion, 401 E. 65 St.,Hialeah. Follow MCABSL on Instagram and Facebook@miami_coalition_against_bslwww.mcabsl.com32 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'