b'Love Lives OnThe story behind the dog whose name graces a sanctuary in Myakka Cityby Anna Cookesthenewpuppyjumped unusual for a Schnauzer, said Marsha. trips with her father. He was an oral sur-A into her car, Marsha Panuce They typically dont like water nor have geon whose hectic work schedule con-sensed that he was a dog of aproclivityforswimming.Aquick trolledmostofhistime.Butthosedestiny. But first, her Giant study,Donterealizedhowmuchwork Saturdays belonged to Marsha and herSchnauzer pup was destined for the treat swimming was, and was able to convince father, when they would sneak away to aof his young life. Marshatocarryhimaroundthepool. nearby animal shelter. My mother wasHe was all of nine weeks old, and He loved it, she said. It was his favorite afraid of dogs, so my father and I wouldof course had no idea what McDonalds thing to do. play with the dogs at the shelter to getwas, laughed Marsha. At the drive-in Donte was everything Marsha ever ouranimalfix,saidMarsha.Thosewindow, I ordered a plain hamburger on wantedinadog.Intelligent.Worldly. timesareamongmymostcherisheda bun as his first treat. And, as destiny Funny. Each of my dogs since Donte memories.would have it, that would be his special hasacomponentofwhathehad, Throughouthercareer,whichtreat for the rest of his life. She would includesentertainingaudiencesasaname him Donte for two reasons. First, concertpianist,dogshaveplayedanDonwasherhusbandsname,and important part of her life. In addition tosecond, the name of Italian origin means co-owning a successful business with herlasting or enduring. husband,MarshahasproducedandMarsha and her husband lived in a hostedlocaltelevisionprogramswithhome filled with dogs, each one with a showslikeDogDaysduringwhichdifferent personality and temperament. shewouldvisitandshowcaseareaShecalleditherUnitedNationsof shelters and dogs. The visits made herDogs, and everyone learned to navigate wonder if she could open a shelter, andtheirspaces.Donteenteredthehome offer something more that would con-withcompleteconfidence.Picturea tribute to the overall welfare of animals.groupofdogs,doingwhateveritwas During their 26 years of marriage, Donthat made them content at the moment. andMarshatraveledextensivelyforSuddenly,theyreinterruptedbythis business.Ourbiggestconcernwasnew kid on the block. It was like a part- what would happen to our dogs if some-ing of the Red Sea, as the dogs purpose- Illustration by Shaun Drees thingweretohappentous?Theyfully rearranged their positions to form a Marsharealizesnow.Weweresoul beganbrainstormingonanideatopathway for the emergence of his emi- mates. There will never be another dog develop a center for dogs whose ownersnence.Well,maybeitdidnthappen like Donte. He was so bright, he would were no longer able to care for them. Aquite that way. If were being honest, it actuallysmile.DontewasmyPhD place where the owners would know andwas probably a little more chaotic. But, with fur. trust that there dogs would be cared forby the end of that first day, Donte had Marshashusbandloveddogstoo. and loved for the rest of their lives.everyone,includingme,doingexactly Was he dog crazy like me? No, I dont Everythingwasputonholdafterwhathewantedustodo,laughed think so, said Marsha. He was a little DonwasdiagnosedwithpancreaticMarsha. more grounded and knew it was a losing cancer. Donte immediately switched hisIn the Panuce household, learning to battlewithmeandmydogs,buthe devotion and attention from Marsha toswim is a priority, dogs included. Turn acceptedmedogsandall.Infact, Don,neverleavinghisside.Knowingyourbackfortwoseconds,dangeris whenMarshaandDonweremarried, Dontewouldnotbeallowedinthethere,eventhoughourdogsarenever MiniatureSchnauzerMaxandGiant hospital,Donswishesweretoremainalone, said Marsha. She decided that, at Schnauzer Misty were part of the wed- at home with his family throughout his12 weeks old, Donte would learn how to dingprocession.Hey,iftheworse illness.swim. He was not happy about wearing a thing I ever did as a wife was to have Towards the end of Dons life, wevest, and ripped it apart while in the pool multiple dogs in our home, then I was a put all of the dogs in another area of thewith Marsha. I finally took off the vest, pretty good wife! house,recallsMarsha.ButDonteand Donte quickly darted away from me, Growing up near Chicago, Marsha would have none of it. So we let him inacrossthepoollikeabullet,whichis remembers the Saturday morning train the room with Don.34 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'