b'So what can we do about this? Dr. Stephanie Sabshin (shown here with Merida) is a skilledThe best thing we can do about this is improve the veterinary surgeon and executive director of Harmony Vetbreed and discontinue breeding animals with these Care, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, fullconditions. But if you have one of these animals, you service pet clinic bringing highshould have these issues surgically corrected as soon quality, low cost pet care to theas possible to prevent an emergency. Tampa Bay area. Their SimonWhat surgery includes: Fund helps provide medical care1) Open up the stenotic nares.for pets when owners cannot2) Shorten the soft palate. afford it. 3) Unfortunately, there is nothing that can bedone about a hypoplastic trachea.4) Remove everted saccules. Harmony Vet Care Tampa:5420 Webb RoadIn addition to surgery, brachycephalic animalsHarmony Vet Care Brandon:may need additional measures to prevent 3301 John Moore Roadrespiratory distress. 813.871.0850 1) Maintaining a healthy weight. Harmony Vet Care Carrollwood:2) Using harnesses instead of neck collars. 8601 Ladue Lane, Tampa3) Limit stress and activity. www.HarmonyVetCare.org4) Avoiding hot weather completely.Trace received surgery for stenotic nares, elongat-ed soft palate and everted laryngeal saccules.See his Personally, I have always felt the best doctor in the world is theincrediblebefore/afterphotosbelow.Thiswill veterinarian. They cant ask their patients what is the matter.improve his ability to breathe, allow him to be more They have just got to know. Will Rodgersactive, and help him more effectively cool down in ourhot Florida climate. UCOME PLAY FORTHE DAY AND STAY!Where oe others see aWher thers see a wild child, wild child, we embre embrace ace the frthe free spirit. ee spirit. WhetherWhether your dogneeds individual attenttention, ortion, or thethey thrivthrive in ae in a gr group setting, oup setting, we e will caterteto your needs individual adogs needs to ensurto ensure ae a positiv positive and happy experience xperience with mental stimulatal stimu tion. dogs needs We specialize in high energyy, , working brorking breed sport dogs; big and small.e specialize in high enerEXCEPTIONAL DAYCARECARE & BOBOARDINGARDING,EXCEPTIONALBUILT ONON A FOUNDOUNDATIONTION OFOF ACCOUNTOUNTABILITY, BUILFLEXIBILITY, RESPERESPECTCT, & TRTRUSTFLEXIBILITY A safe, secure and stimulating environmentOn-site 24/7 supervision Situated on 5+ acres with multiple play yard Flexible schedule to meet your needsLaw Enforcement, First Responder & Military Discounts1526 Touchton Road. Lutz, FL 33549|813.345.8470|info@BravoK9Tampa.com|www.BravoK9Tampa.com |@BravoK9Tampawww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 77'