b'This Is DedicatedTo The One I Loveby Anna Cooke. Photography by Edward Perryatti Adomaitis and Joey Donovan share two obsessions: A love of dogsP (specificallythelast-chance-shelter-kind)andaloveofmusic(specifically the rock & roll guitar type).Music is therapy for us, smiled Joey. For one, it gets me out of thehouse, which is a good thing for Patti. For another, it involves yours truly andguitars, which is a good thing for me.It was Pattis sister Michelle, who opened the couples eyes to the plight of dogsinovercrowdedmunicipalsheltersthatareat-risktobeeuthanizedforspace.Nationally, about 950 healthy dogs and cats lose their lives daily because sheltersrun out of space and/or incur staffing shortagesand more animals are enteringthe shelter than are being adopted. Cats are killed at twice the rate of dogs, eventhough about five percent more dogs enter shelters, according to Best FriendsAnimal Society. 50 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'