b'What projects are you working on? At themoment, I am working on a painting of a Elsa died 07/28/17She wasdognamedSmokey. Heenteredthe surrendered by her owner to Miami-Humane Society of Tampa Bay as a stray, Dade Animal Services. Elsa had abutwassubsequentlytransferredto vibrant spirit and loved belly rubs,Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center, but her kennel made herwhere he was placed on the euthanasia list anxious and her mental wellnessand ultimately euthanized. failed. Elsas behavior promptedshelter staff to move her to anWhat and/or who inspires you? The very isolated area where the public couldessence of dogs inspire me. Their spirit and not access her. Elsa was two yearstheir souls inspire me. Nothing and no one old when she was euthanized.in my life has healed my human hurts morethan a dog. My dogs Luna and Archie, bothrescuedfromdeathrowatMiami-DadeAnimal Services, inspired me. I am spurredon by the problem that plagues our society. Diamond died 05/26/23The seven-This isnt a shelter problem, this is a people year-old was owner surrendered toproblem. We are failing these dogs, by not Hillsborough Countys Pet Resourcespaying and neutering, by purchasing from Center. While there, Diamond loved tobreeders, or by not rising to the occasion of play in the yard and toss around stuffedresponsible pet ownership. I want to make a toys. According to her favorite volunteer,difference.Iwanttodedicatemylifeto Diamond adored belly rubs. She wouldchanging the lives of as many dogs as I can. roll over in her kennel asking for them,AndforthosethatIcouldnt,Iwantto and when they stopped she would lickmemorialize them so that they can always be and paw for more. Every time I walkedremembered and so they did not die in vain.away she would bounce up and bark. IdWhat is the one thing about yourself that come back over and shed want moreeven your closest friends may not know, pets and roll over for more belly rubs.that youre willing to share? Besides being Wed repeat this several times. I didntananimaladvocateI amafiercemental want to say goodbye to her. I loved her,health advocate and believe that a dialogue said Diamonds selfless volunteer. must exist in order for the stigma surround- About our covering it to go away. I live with mental illness Bronco, whose portrait gracesthe coverand have for most of my life. I work closely of this issue of The New Barker, has awith doctors, and my wonderful support sys- happier tale than the rest of the dogs intem keeps me going. Having a dog in the this story. He arrived at Hillsboroughhome really helps me too. They give me a Countys Pet Resource Center (PRC) as aroutine and most importantly they give me stray in October 2022, and adopted inpurpose. A dog by my side is medicine.U November 2022. Then his owner surren-dered him to the Humane Society ofY Follow Mary Vretas on Instagram Tampa Bay who transferred him back to@mvretasart PRC where he was placed on theFriends of Strays euthanasia list. Bronco enjoyed play-2911 47th Ave. N., St. Petersburg groups and fetch. He was vibrant and727.522.6566 - www.FriendsOfStrays.org full of life with a handsome at-the-readysmile. On the night before he was to beThe Runaways Animal Rescue euthanized, Broncos picture and story were shared all over Facebook.8020 Washington St., Port Richey The following daythe day he was to be killedBronco was adopted.727.753.8244 Mary told us that her dream is to see more stories like Broncos.Butwww.RunawaysAnimalRescue.org first, we need change, she said.www.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 65'