b"Dont Cause aBroken HeartHeartworm Disease and Preventionby Dr. Timothy HodgeAs dog lovers, we want to ensure that our furry friends live the dog's bloodstream. This test is highly accurate and canhealthyandhappylives.However,therearecertainhealth detect heartworm infection even in the early stages.issues that can affect dogs, and one of them is heartworm In some cases, additional tests such as other blood tests,disease. In this article, we will discuss what heartworm disease X-rays, ultrasound, or electrocardiography may be needed tois, how it is spread, what it can do to your dog, signs of the evaluate the extent of damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys anddisease, and most importantly, how to treat and prevent it, other organs.using both conventional and holistic methods. How to Treat a Positive Dog? If your dog tests positiveWhatisHeartwormDisease?Heartwormdiseaseisa for heartworm disease, it is essential to start treatment as soonserious and potentially fatal condition that affects dogs, cats, as possible. The conventional treatment for heartworm diseaseand other mammals. It is caused by a parasitic worm called involves administering a series of injections that kill the adultDirofilariaimmitisthatlivesintheheart,lungs,and worms.associated blood vessels of an infected animal. These worms The treatment process is lengthy and can take six to ninecan grow up to 12 inches in length and can cause significant months, depending on the severity of the disease. During thisdamage to the lungs, heart, and other organs and ultimately, period,itisimportanttorestrictyourdogsactivitytobe fatal. minimize the risk of complications.How is Heartworm Disease Spread? Heartworm disease Yourdogmayalsobegivenmedicationtoreduceis spread through mosquito bites. When a mosquito bites an inflammation, kill bacteria that live inside the heartworms toinfected animal, it picks up the immature heartworm larvae, weakenthem,andtreatothersymptoms.Insomecases,which develop into infective larvae within the mosquito. The surgerymaybeneededtoremoveadultwormsthataremosquito then transmits the infective larvae to a new host, causing severe damage to the heart and lungs.usually a dog, when it bites and feeds on the animal. Holistic treatments may also be used in conjunction withThe larvae migrate through the tissues and organs of the conventional treatments to help support your dogs immunedog and finally reach the heart and lungs, where they mature systemandoverallhealth.Thesetreatmentsmayincludeinto adult worms. This process takes about six months. Adult acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutritional supplements.worms can live up to seven years in dogs and can cause severe These are not a replacement for the injectable medication.damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organ systems. SlowkillisamethodofcontrollingnewinfectionsandWhat Can Heartworm Disease Do to Your Dog? If left allowing the adult worms to die over time. This is not an idealuntreated, heartworm disease can cause severe lung disease, treatment since the worms continue to cause damage for theheart failure, and damage to other organs in your dogs body. time they are in the dogs body, which as we said, can be years.The symptoms of heartworm disease may not be noticeable How to Prevent Heartworm Disease? Preventing heart-until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. wormdiseaseisthebestcourseofactionforyourdog.Signs of heartworm disease may include coughing, diffi- Conventional preventatives include monthly heartworm pre-culty breathing, lethargy, and weight loss. In some cases, dogs ventive medication, such as chewable tablets, injections everymay exhibit a swollen belly due to fluid accumulation, which 6-12 months or topical treatments that are easy to administer.is a sign of congestive heart failure. The American Heartworm Society recommends that dogsHeartwormdiseasecanbefatal,especiallyifitisleft be tested for heartworm infection annually and be put on auntreated for a prolonged period. However, early detection preventive program, even if they live in an area where heart-and treatment can prevent serious health complications and worm disease is not prevalent. Heartworms have been foundimprove your dogs quality of life. in dogs in all 50 states and even in winters and very coldHow to Diagnose Heartworm Disease? The diagnosis of weather.Thisisbecauseheartwormdiseasecanbeeasilyheartworm disease involves a blood test that detects the pres- spread by traveling dogs, wild animals, or even mosquitoesence of adult female worms or their offspring (microfilariae) in that are brought into a new area.74THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com"