b'But, what does this all mean to the pet parent?example,cannflavinisonlyfoundincannabiswhereasFull-spectrum CBD contains a full profile of beneficial kaempferol is found in many plants like kale, beans, broccoli,cannabinoids (along with CBD, terpenes and flavonoids). It andcannabis.Scientistshaveidentifiedmorethan20also contains trace amounts of THC. Cannflavinsinthecannabisplant.Amongotherbenefits,Broad-spectrum CBD contains zero percent THC. It has researchers have found that Cannflavins have an anti-inflam-thebeneficialterpenesandflavonoids.CBD-isolateisthe matory effect that is 30 times more powerful than aspirin.most basic form of CBD, containing nothing but pure and AdditionalbenefitsofCannflavinsinfull-spectrumCBD,isolated CBD. There are no other cannabinoids, terpenes or such as Natures Pet Herbals, include their anti-carcinogenicflavonoids in CBD-isolate. qualities.Natures Pet Herbals oils are broad-spectrum CBD. Their A career in sales can be as rewarding as it is tough.treatsandcollarlinearefull-spectrum. Theyallhelpwith Some of the traits of a good salesperson, according torelief from a number of ailments that pets are suffering from, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and Business News Daily,including storm phobia and other anxieties. And because of include being goal-oriented, competitive, assertive and havingthewayitisproduced, excellentinterpersonalNaturesPetHerbalsisa skills, charisma, and drive.more natural and less refined Surprisingly,integritywasproduct. nowheretobefoundonWhat are terpenes? anyofthelists.IntegrityHempandcannabis hasalwaysbeenGarshsplantshavespecifictastes numberonetraitinany-and aromas due to the pres- thingshedoes,personallyence of their terpenes. Much or professionally.likeessentialoils,terpenes Thedecisiontogofromcanalsoprovidespecific workingforsomeoneelsephysicaleffectssuchasa to working for herself hap-calmingsensation.Specific pened pretty fast for Garsh;terpenes offer specific bene- inamatterofmonthsinfits,suchascaryophyllene fact.Addtothat,Garshandbeta-caryophyllene. alreadyhadherlistofThesehavebeenfoundto potentialclients.Thehelp with neurodegenerative whole state of Florida haddisorders, cancer and stress. been my territory as a sales-Alpha and Beta-Pinene offer person,Garshtoldus.antibacterialandanti- ThatshowIstartedinflammatoryproperties. NaturesPetHerbals.SoCBD terpenes are a powerful many people already knewcomponentofCBD,pro- who I was, and trusted me.vidingdeeptherapeutic Kathryn Garsh and Larry Hopkins with Luna (left) and Boeing. They knew I would have ahealth benefits. Terpenes are good product for them tofound in all plants, not just cannabis and hemp. They create sell to their clientsthe pet parents. Being a salesperson forthe aromas in flowers and flavors in edible fruits. someone else, or for your own company is no different inNatures Pet Herbals full-spectrum CBD contains natural terms of pressure and gratification. As long as you know theCBD terpenes. Youll want to make sure to look for terpenes product you are selling is good, and that you are prepared toversus terpenoids, which is chemically created. deal with any issues right away, your integrity stays intact,What are flavonoids?Garsh told us.Ever wonder why fruits and vegetables come in such a The biggest hurdle for Garsh has been getting people tovivid spectrum of colors? We have flavonoids to thank for that. understand just what CBD is. At first, people really didntFlavonoids are phytonutrientsplant compounds that are know what it was. Then, as more companies jumped into theresponsible for the pigmentation of fruits, vegetables, and tons CBD business, there was so much misinformation about it,of other plants. These compounds help protect plants from said Garsh. A lot of those other companies are now gone.diseaseandthebrightcolorsproducedbytheflavonoids Were still here, and going strong,said Garsh. We have aattract pollinators. 100 percent money back guarantee, and over the last sevenScientistshavediscoveredaround6,000varietiesof years, weve barely had any returns. And we continue to addflavonoids.Manyflavonoidsarespecifictocertainplants, more CBD products, such as our hemp collar line, which iswhile other flavonoids are found in many different plants. For doing really well.58THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'