b"Ensuring a Forever Home for Your Beloved Pets:Planning for Their FutureBeyond Your Lifetimeby April S. Goodwin, Esq.Pets bring immeasurable joy, unconditional love, and unwa- In Florida, even if you have a Will, it is possible that own-vering companionship into our lives. As responsible pet own- ership and possession of your property, including your pets,ers, it is essential to consider their well being even after we are cannotbetransferredtoyourbeneficiarieswithoutgoingno longer around to care for them. Planning for the future of throughprobateasometimeslengthycourtprocessforour beloved animal companions is a crucial step to ensure identifyingandgatheringtheassetsofadeceasedpersonthey receive the love, attention, and care they deserve, even if (decedent), paying the decedent's debts, and distributing thewe pass away before they do.Here are some options available decedents assets to his or her beneficiaries.to secure a forever home for your pets and provide peace of Also, its possible that circumstances with your appointedmind for both you and your furry friends. petguardianmaychangeafteryouareincapacitatedordeceased where the guardian may not be willing or able totake possession of your pet. In order to have absolute assur-ance that your pet is cared for after you are gone, it is best tocreate a Pet Trust well before the need for one arises.Creating a Pet TrustEstablishing a pet trust is an excellent option to providefor your pets long-term care. This legally binding documentsets aside funds to cover their veterinary care, food, grooming,andanyothernecessaryexpenses.Appointingatrusteetomanage the funds and oversee the pets well-being adds anextra layer of security. Outline your expectations regardingyour pets care in the trust document to ensure your wishesare honored.One of the best things about a trust is that it is a way toavoid having to go through probate court to disperse yourassets. If the transfer of possession and ownership of your petsare only addressed in a Will and there is no Trust, it will be acourt that ultimately has control over what happens to yourbeloved animal family members. This is what is happening toNancy Sauers seven Persian cats.Mrs. Sauer died in November 2022 and her Will statedher cats were to live in her Tampa, Florida mansion, whichwas not to be sold until the last cat died. An inheritance camewith each cat for their care. They are all currently five yearsold. She had arranged for someone to visit the home a fewPhotograph by Jaime Seymour-Newton timesadaytocareforthem.However,aHillsboroughCounty probate judge found that the cats would be better offAppointing a Pet Guardian if they were placed with the Humane Society of Tampa BayOne of the most effective ways to safeguard your pets and adopted out, so thats what is happening.future is by designating a trusted individual as their guardian If Mrs. Sauer had established a Pet Trust, instead of or inin your Will or other legal document. Choose someone who addition to specifying her wishes for the cats in her Will, ashares a strong bond with your pets and is willing and able to judge would never have been able to intercede and decidetake on the responsibility of caring for them. Ensure that you their fate, let alone change her wishes.have a detailed conversation with the designated guardian to If you wish to create a Pet Trust, it is best to enlist thediscuss your pets' specific needs, routines, medical history, services of an experienced estate planning attorney to prepareand any other relevant information to make the transition as the documents for you.seamless as possible. Continued on page 22 g20 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com"